Since OpenSSL is more than just a TLS implementation, I agree with Michael and 
support relaxing these checks when appropriate.


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On Mar 6, 2019, at 10:22, Michael Wojcik <> wrote:

>> From: openssl-users [] On Behalf Of
>> Richard Levitte
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2019 03:07
>> On Wed, 06 Mar 2019 10:52:44 +0100,
>> Jan Just Keijser wrote:
>>> as a follow-up:  Richard's analysis/suspicion was spot on.
>>> However, it was the *server* side certificate that was causing the
>>> error, and the server certificate does indeed contain a poorly
>>> formatted date:
>>> $ openssl asn1parse -in server.crt | grep UTC
>>>   157:d=3  hl=2 l=  13 prim: UTCTIME           :091022132829Z
>>>   172:d=3  hl=2 l=  17 prim: UTCTIME           :370308132808+0000
>> I'm glad I could help find the answer.
>>> OpenSSL 1.0.x groks this, 1.1+ does not.
>> Yup, 1.1+ is stricter regarding these things.
> I would have expected 1.0.2p and later to have rejected this as well, since 
> the RFC 5280 restrictions on validity date attributes were included in that 
> release. There was some discussion about it on the OpenSSL lists, with some 
> people suggesting that a change to insist on the letter of the standard which 
> broke compatibility with certificates generated by some other implementations 
> was not a great idea. (I am sympathetic to this argument myself, and feel 
> there should at least be an option to relax these restrictions.)
> See for example: 
> It's interesting to note that back in 2009 when GeneralizedTime support for 
> X.509 dates was added to OpenSSL, Erwann Abalea pointed out that RFC 5280 is 
> only a profile of X.509, and X.509 itself allows timezone offsets and 
> fracttional seconds, and so arguably OpenSSL ought to allow them too 
> (presumably for use by non-TLS X.509 applications). (See e.g. 
>  Personally, I find that argument persuasive too, and think that it would be 
> appropriate to have a mechanism to disable the 5280 checks.
> Maybe I'll put together a PR, though I don't know if it has much chance of 
> being accepted.
> -- 
> Michael Wojcik 
> Distinguished Engineer, Micro Focus 

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