On Tuesday, 12 November 2019 21:22:51 CET, Benjamin Kaduk via openssl-users wrote:
On Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 01:13:49PM -0700, Phil Neumiller wrote:
Thanks for all the useful device.  I was able to get the server to accept
this client hello message.

If you're willing/able to share, it can be useful for us to know what products are buggy in that they don't implement extensions in a proper, extensible, manner and need to have the ClientHello extensions adjusted like this. If we have a
list of "likely suspects" it can make diagnosing future connection issues

contributing a fingerprint to https://github.com/WestpointLtd/tls_prober would
also be really welcome, for the same reasons

Hubert Kario
Senior Quality Engineer, QE BaseOS Security team
Web: www.cz.redhat.com
Red Hat Czech s.r.o., Purkyňova 115, 612 00  Brno, Czech Republic

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