
Since the only code that's changed from this working with OpenSSL 1.1.1 is the 
code we've been talking about in this thread, it's possible that this is 
causing the problem.

I should explain more what I am doing and how, and also mention that you helped 
me with this when I was trying to sort things out when porting from 1.0.2 to 
1.1.1 over a year ago:

To summarize, at application start time I read in all of the certificates in 
/etc/ssl/certs/ to a trusted store created with X509_STORE_new().

When getting ready to "start" a server (again, leaving a lot of specifics out 
to avoid getting bogged down in details), I'm doing the processing in the 
previous messages on this thread. Here are the API calls again, with the 
changes previously discussed:

    ctx = SSL_CTX_new_ex(non_fips_libctx, NULL, TLS_method());
    mycert = SSL_CTX_get0_certificate(ctx);
    pkey = X509_get_pubkey(mycert);

 After that's done, I make several OpenSSL calls to get things set up the way I 

        param = X509_VERIFY_PARAM_new();
        X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set_flags(param, X509_V_FLAG_PARTIAL_CHAIN);
        X509_STORE_set1_param(ssl_trusted_certs, param);

I call these to treat intermediate certs as trust-anchors, so I can trust an 
intermediate certificate; ssl_trusted_certs is the aforementioned X509_STORE.

Another call:

        status = SSL_CTX_set1_verify_cert_store(ctx,ssl_trusted_certs); to set the store for verifying peer certificates (in the case of client 
authentication) to the entire trusted store.

Then this API:

    status = SSL_CTX_set1_chain_cert_store(ctx, ssl_trusted_certs);

...makes sure OpenSSL has access to that entire store to form a full 
certificate chain to a peer in a handshake. Our certificates are stored one per 
file, we do not store a full or partial chains in a single file.

Then, the final two calls before I hit the error:

    status = SSL_CTX_set_mode(ctx, SSL_MODE_NO_AUTO_CHAIN);
    status = SSL_CTX_build_cert_chain(ctx, SSL_BUILD_CHAIN_FLAG_NO_ROOT);

The purpose of the first is to allow self signed certificates to be used by the 
server. (This is only for testing purposes, but in this particular case where 
SSL_CTX_build_cert_chain() is throwing errors, I am using a self-signed 
certificate.) The second is to tell OpenSSL to (even though we have access to 
the entire chain, including the root) not include the root certificate when 
building the chain to send during a handshake.

I'm not clear on if the calls I've added to SSL_CTX_get0_certificate(ctx) and 
X509_get_pubkey(), the latter of which was being used before, are what's 
causing the problem. The OpenSSL error queue shows the following on the 
SSL_CTX_build_cert_chain() failure:

00B741558E7F0000:error:0308010C:digital envelope routines:(unknown 
function):unsupported:crypto/evp/evp_fetch.c:346:Global default library 
context, Algorithm (SHA1 : 96), Properties (<null>)
00B741558E7F0000:error:03000072:digital envelope routines:(unknown 
function):decode error:crypto/x509/x_pubkey.c:444:
00B741558E7F0000:error:03000072:digital envelope routines:(unknown 
function):decode error:crypto/x509/x_pubkey.c:444:
00B741558E7F0000:error:0580006C:x509 certificate routines:(unknown 
function):unable to get certs public key:crypto/x509/x509_vfy.c:1986:
00B741558E7F0000:error:0A000086:SSL routines:(unknown function):certificate 
verify failed:ssl/ssl_cert.c:905:Verify error:unspecified certificate 
verification error

I'm using the non-FIPS library context in this case, and the first error makes 
me think I need to load the legacy provider for my non FIPS library context if 
there are any SHA1 certificates in the X509_store? The one I am using for the 
server cert is not SHA1, but there are probably some SHA1 certs in 
/etc/ssl/certs/. I don't see errors when adding those certificates to the store 
though. I also don't see SHA1 in the list of algorithms provided by the legacy 
provider in the Wiki.

The next two errors are the same ones that I was getting when attempting to 
call X509_get_pubkey() before changing the code to get it to work, which is 

Maybe this is what you were trying to explain in your email, but I'm not 


From: openssl-users <> on behalf of Viktor 
Dukhovni <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 3, 2021 4:47 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: X509_get_pubkey() in OpenSSL 3.0?

On Wed, Nov 03, 2021 at 12:38:51PM +0000, Jason Schultz wrote:

> In any case, things appear to be working now, but I'm hitting an issue
> later on when calling SSL_CTX_build_cert_chain(). I working on
> debugging that, I may have to start yet another thread later.

Your mistake is probably in loading a certificate file, rather than
a certificate chain file.  With the latter, you'd also pick up any
associated intermediate issuer certificates (e.g. from certbot's

With the intermediate certificates thus obtained, you're far more likely
to be able to verify the completely server's chain relative to some
trust store with exclusively or mostly just a bunch of root CAs.

I'd in fact recommend not rebuilding the provided chain, but just
observing whether it is complete, the user may have good reasons
for going with some alternative sequence of issuer CAs (e.g. to
support old Android devices, as with e.g. current Let's Encrypt
redundant cross cert).  Therefore, per:

    SSL_CTX_build_cert_chain() builds the certificate chain for ctx.
    Normally this uses the chain store or the verify store if the chain
    store is not set. If the function is successful the built chain will
    replace any existing chain. The flags parameter can be set to
    SSL_BUILD_CHAIN_FLAG_UNTRUSTED to use existing chain certificates as
    untrusted CAs, SSL_BUILD_CHAIN_FLAG_NO_ROOT to omit the root CA from
    the built chain, SSL_BUILD_CHAIN_FLAG_CHECK to use all existing
    chain certificates only to build the chain (effectively sanity
    checking and rearranging them if necessary), the flag
    SSL_BUILD_CHAIN_FLAG_IGNORE_ERROR ignores any errors during
    verification: if flag SSL_BUILD_CHAIN_FLAG_CLEAR_ERROR is also set
    verification errors are cleared from the error queue. Details of the
    chain building process are described in "Certification Path
    Building" in openssl-verification-options(1).

I'd set the flags to:


if you're sure the service is not DANE TLSA enabled, and there's
definitely good reason to omit the root CA from the chain, or
you provide a configuration to let the user make the choice,
you can also add:


which is often, but not always appropriate, and should ideally
not be unconditionally hardcoded.

Be sure to clear the error queue before starting, and after reporting
any errors observed.


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