
Actually my team is already working in Nova, around moving from
sqlalchemy-migrate to alembic.
We are doing first step: Syncing models and migrations.

But as I wrote there is a lot of things that should be done before
switching to another migration utils:
1) Sync our Schemas in different backends (in all projects)
2) Sync schemas with models (also there is a lot of hidden bugs in
migrations, that should be fixed)
3) Add tests that checks that models and migrations schemas are equal

And only then we will be able to rewrite our migrations without risk. (and
it is really huge task).

So I think that we shouldn't block our work around DB because of temporary
sqlalchemy-migrate monkey patches in oslo..

Best regards,
Boris Pavlovic

On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 2:50 PM, Michael Still <mi...@stillhq.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 3:50 AM, Boris Pavlovic <bo...@pavlovic.me> wrote:
> > Question:
> >   Why we should put in oslo slqlalchemy-migrate monkey patches, when we
> are
> > planing to switch to alembic?
> >
> > Answer:
> >    If we don’t put in oslo sqlalchemy-migrate monkey patches. We won't be
> > able to work on 7 point at all until 8 and 10 points will be implemented
> in
> > every project. Also work around 8 point is not finished, so we are not
> able
> > to implement 10 points in any of project. So this blocks almost all work
> in
> > all projects. I think that these 100-200 lines of code are not so big
> price
> > for saving few cycles of time.
> We've talked in the past (Folsom summit?) about alembic, but I'm not
> aware of anyone who is actually working on it. Is someone working on
> moving us to alembic? If not, it seems unfair to block database work
> on something no one is actually working on.
> Michael
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