
Do we specify somewhere whether text field matching in the API is case 
sensitive or in-sensitive?  I'm thinking about filters, as well as user and 
domain names in authentication.  I think our current implementation will always 
be case sensitive for filters  (since we do that in python and do not, yet, 
pass the filters to the backends), while authentication will reflect the "case 
sensitivity or lack thereof" of the underlying database.  I believe that MySQL 
is case in-sensitive by default, while Postgres, sqllite and others are 
case-sensitive by default.  If using an LDAP backend, then I think this is 

The above seems to be inconsistent.  It might become even more so when we pass 
the filters to the backend.  Given that other projects already pass filters to 
the backend, we may also have inter-project inconsistencies that bleed through 
to the user experience.  Should we make at least a recommendation that the 
backend should case-sensitive (you can configure MySQL to be so)?  Insist on 
it? Ignore it and keep things as they are?


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