Hi Liz,

Thank you for your comments.

Your concern about the case when more than three tabs appear sounds reasonable. 
When we started to build a dashboard for Savanna, we wanted it to be easy to 
install into an existing environment, so a separate tab fitted nicely. We were 
thinking of moving our panels to a “Project” tab, but it seems like there will 
be too many menu items in that tab. Anyway it will be great if a new navigation 
mechanism appears in IceHouse Horizon and if it does, we will adapt our 
dashboard as soon as possible.

        The consistency of the workflows is very important and the mockups are 
not to be considered to be a final design, we just want to show what functions 
will be available to user through UI Workflow. Of course the implementation 
should look consistent with existing flows with descriptions and hints on the 
right side and all input fields aligned correctly. The same applies to action 
buttons, it’s important that the user can find “Create” and “Delete” buttons 
where the are supposed to be.

Best Regards,
Nikita Konovalov
Mirantis, Inc

On Sep 25, 2013, at 00:14 , Liz Blanchard <lsure...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Chad & Nadya,
> Sorry for the late reply on this, I've been meaning to send some thoughts and 
> finally had some time today to pull it all together :)
> First off, an additional place that you should feel free to post 
> wireframes/design ideas and have a discussion is on our G+ OpenStack UX page:
> https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/100954512393463248122
> We are actually hoping to move this to use Askbot in the future, but for now 
> this community is still very active and you could get some reviewers there 
> who might not have seen this e-mail.
> As for these designs, I have a bit of feedback:
> 1) The addition of a high level tab for the main section of "Savanna" 
> features might introduce some complications. I've been seeing a lot of 
> developers adding tabs here which work if they are the only additional tab in 
> addition to "Project" and "Admin", but it doesn't scale well if there are 
> more than three tabs. We are trying to address this in a navigation 
> enhancement blueprint for Horizon:
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/navigation-enhancement
> Hopefully in the Icehouse release, it will be much easier to scale out and 
> add new sections at the top level, but I wonder if this would make more sense 
> as a new "Panel" which would sit at the same level as "Manage Compute" under 
> the current Project tab. Just an idea!
> 2) Currently in Horizon, there are a few "Create" modal windows where the 
> modal is labeled with the action such as "Launch Instance" and the user is 
> given one or more tabs of fields to fill out. The first tab is typically the 
> "Details" section with the general fields that need to be filled out. There 
> could be more tabs for more groups of fields as needed. If you take a look at 
> the way the launch Instance modal works, I think the Job Launch/Creation 
> modals that are being designed for Savanna could be more consistent with this 
> design. This includes things like the "Add" button next to some of the 
> fields. Here is a screenshot of the Launch Instance "Details" tab for 
> reference:
> http://people.redhat.com/~lsurette/OpenStack/Launch%20Instance.png
> 3) This is a small point, but I just want to be sure that in the table 
> designs it is expected that there would be some overall table level buttons 
> for "Launch" and "Terminate" that would allow the user to click the check box 
> for multiple items and select this action. I see in one of the mockups that 
> the checkbox is selected, but I didn't see any buttons on top of the table, 
> so I figured I would mention it.
> Hopefully this helps! I'm happy to chat more about these designs in detail 
> and help move them forward too. Let me know if you have any questions on my 
> thoughts here.
> Thanks,
> Liz
> On Sep 10, 2013, at 12:46 PM, Nadya Privalova <nprival...@mirantis.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've created a temporary page for UIs mockups. Please take a look:
>> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Savanna/UIMockups/JobCreationProposal
>> Chad, it's just pictures demonstrate how we see dependencies in UI. It's not 
>> a final decision.
>> Guys, feel free to comment this. I think it's time to start discussions.
>> Regards,
>> Nadya
>> On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 10:19 PM, Chad Roberts <crobe...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Updated UI mockups for savanna dashboard EDP.
>> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Savanna/UIMockups/JobCreation
>> Regards,
>> Chad
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