On 11/25/2013 10:28 AM, Tracy Jones wrote:
> Hi Folks - i am trying to add a patch to enable remote debugging in the
> nova services.  I can make this work very simply, but it requires a
> change to monkey_patching - i.e.
>     eventlet.monkey_patch(os=False, select=True, socket=True, thread=False,
>                       time=True, psycopg=True)
> I’m working with some folks from the debugger vendor (pycharm) on why
> this is needed.   However - i’ve been using it with nova-compute for a
> month or so and do not see any issues which changing the
> monkey-patching.  Since this is done only when someone wants to use the
> debugger - is making this change so bad?
>  https://review.openstack.org/56287

Last I looked at the review, it wasn't known that thread=False was
specifically what was needed IIRC>  That's good progress and is a bit
less surprising than the change before.

I suppose if the options that enable this come with a giant warning,
it'd be OK.  Something like:

  WARNING: Using this option changes how Nova uses the eventlet
  library to support async IO. This could result in failures that do
  not occur under normal opreation. Use at your own risk.

Russell Bryant

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