On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 2:52 PM, Elancheran Subramanian
<esubraman...@godaddy.com> wrote:
> Hello All,
> This is reg limiting the number of retries for Kafka driver support on Nova
> and Neutron.
> While trying out the oslo messaging notifications support for Kafka on Nova
> and Neutron, the Kafka driver doesn’t support limiting the number of retries
> for failed messages. When I checked the code, currently there is no
> configuration which support that, though the send_notification has retry
> https://github.com/openstack/oslo.messaging/blob/master/oslo_messaging/_drivers/impl_kafka.py#L336
> but it’s not set or passed from component’s (nova or neutron’s)
> configuration. Is there any configuration which I’m missing? Please let me
> know.

You haven't missed anything - the kafka driver doesn't provide a means
to set a default retry via its configuration.
The expectation is that the caller (nova/neutron) would provide a
retry value when constructing a Notifier instance.

There was such a config option for the rabbitmq driver
(rabbit_max_retries) but that was removed because it broke
*something* - can't remember exactly the reason tho, sorry.

> Thanks in advance,
> Cheran
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