Hmm... Yeah. when you tell heat client the url to a template file, you could 
set a flag telling the heat client it is in a git repo. It could then 
automatically look for repo information and set a stack metadata item pointing 
back to it.

If you didn't care about taking a performance hit, heat client could always try 
and check to see if it was a git repo url. That may add several extra http 
requests though...

From: Clint Byrum []
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2013 1:04 PM
To: openstack-dev
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [heat][horizon]Heat UI related requirements &      

Excerpts from Fox, Kevin M's message of 2013-11-27 08:58:16 -0800:
> This use case is sort of a providence case. Where did the stack come from so 
> I can find out more about it.

This exhibits similar problems to our Copyright header problems. Relying
on authors to maintain their authorship information in two places is
cumbersome and thus the one that is not automated will likely fall out
of sync fairly quickly.

> You could put a git commit field in the template itself but then it would be 
> hard to keep updated.

Or you could have Heat able to pull from any remote source rather than
just allowing submission of the template directly. It would just be
another column in the stack record. This would allow said support person
to see where it came from by viewing the stack, which solves the use case.

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