
Keep in mind the rabbit driver creates a single reply queue per *transport*
- that is per call to oslo.messaging's

If you have multiple RPCClients sharing the same transport, then all
clients issuing RPC calls over that transport will use the same reply queue
(and multiplex incoming replies using a unique id in the reply itself).
for all the details.

But it cannot share the reply queue across transports - and certainly not
across processes :)


On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 10:29 PM, int32bit <kryst...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Currently, I find our RPC client always need create a new callback queue
> for every call requests to track the reply belongs, at least in Newton.
> That's pretty inefficient and lead to poor performance. I also  find some
> RPC implementations no need to create a new queue, they track the request
> and response by correlation id in message header(rabbitmq well supports,
> not sure is it AMQP standard?). The rabbitmq official document provide a
> simple demo, see [1].
> So I am confused that why our oslo.messaging doesn't use this way
> to optimize RPC performance. Is it for any consideration or do I miss
> some potential cases?
> Thanks for any reply and discussion!
> [1] https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/tutorial-six-python.html.
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