On 20/06/17 00:33 +0000, joehuang wrote:
I think openstack community  provides a flat project market place for 
infrastructure is good enough:

all projects are just some "goods" in the market place, let the cloud operators 
to select projects
from the project market place for his own infrastructure.

We don't have to mark a project a core project or not, only need to tag 
attribute of a project, for
example how mature it is, how many "like" they have, what the cloud operator 
said for the project. etc.

All flat, just let people make decision by themselves, they are not idiot, they 
have wisdom
on building infrastructure.

Not all people need a package: you bought a package of ice-cream, but not all 
you will like it,
If they want package, distribution provider can help them to define and 
customize a package, if
you want customization, you will decide which ball of cream you want, isn't it?

The flavors you see in a ice-creem shop counter are not there by accident. Those
flavors have gone through a creation process, they have been tested and they
have also survived over the years. Some flavors are removed with time and some
others stay there forever.

Unfortunately, tagging those flavors won't cut it, which is why you don't see
tags in their labels when you go to an ice-cream shop. Some tags are implied,
other tags are inferred and other tags are subjective.

Experimenting with new flavors doesn't happen overnight in some person's
bedroom. The new flavors are tested using the *same* infrastructure as the other
flavors and once they reach a level of maturity, they are exposed in the counter
so that customers will able to consume them.

Ultimately, experimentation is part of the ice-cream shop's mission and it
requires time, effort and resources but not all experiments end well. At the
end, though, what really matters is that all these flavors serve the same
mission and that's why they are sold at the ice-cream shop, that's why they are
exposed in the counter. Customer's of the ice-cream shop know they can trust
what's in the counter. They know the exposed flavors serve their needs at a high
level and they can now focus on their specific needs.

So, do you really think it's just a set of flavors and it doesn't really matter
how those flavors got there?


Flavio Percoco

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