
In Tricircle we use the "multinode" topology to setup a test environment
with three regions, "CentralRegion" and "RegionOne" in one node, and
"RegionTwo" in the other node. I notice that the job definition has been
migrated to
but the job fails with the error that "public endpoint for image service in
RegionTwo region not found", so I guess the node of "RegionTwo" is not
correctly running. Since the original log folder for the second
"subnode-2/" is missing in the job report, I also cannot figure out what
the wrong is with the second node.

Any hints to debug this problem?

On Fri, 29 Sep 2017 at 22:59 Monty Taylor <mord...@inaugust.com> wrote:

> Hey everybody!
> tl;dr - If you're having issues with your jobs, check the FAQ, this
> email and followups on this thread for mentions of them. If it's an
> issue with your job and you can spot it (bad config) just submit a patch
> with topic 'zuulv3'. If it's bigger/weirder/you don't know - we'd like
> to ask that you send a follow up email to this thread so that we can
> ensure we've got them all and so that others can see it too.
> ** Zuul v3 Migration Status **
> If you haven't noticed the Zuul v3 migration - awesome, that means it's
> working perfectly for you.
> If you have - sorry for the disruption. It turns out we have a REALLY
> complicated array of job content you've all created. Hopefully the pain
> of the moment will be offset by the ability for you to all take direct
> ownership of your awesome content... so bear with us, your patience is
> appreciated.
> If you find yourself with some extra time on your hands while you wait
> on something, you may find it helpful to read:
>    https://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/zuulv3.html
> We're adding content to it as issues arise. Unfortunately, one of the
> issues is that the infra manual publication job stopped working.
> While the infra manual publication is being fixed, we're collecting FAQ
> content for it in an etherpad:
>    https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/zuulv3-migration-faq
> If you have a job issue, check it first to see if we've got an entry for
> it. Once manual publication is fixed, we'll update the etherpad to point
> to the FAQ section of the manual.
> ** Global Issues **
> There are a number of outstanding issues that are being worked. As of
> right now, there are a few major/systemic ones that we're looking in to
> that are worth noting:
> * Zuul Stalls
> If you say to yourself "zuul doesn't seem to be doing anything, did I do
> something wrong?", we're having an issue that jeblair and Shrews are
> currently tracking down with intermittent connection issues in the
> backend plumbing.
> When it happens it's an across the board issue, so fixing it is our
> number one priority.
> * Incorrect node type
> We've got reports of things running on trusty that should be running on
> xenial. The job definitions look correct, so this is also under
> investigation.
> * Multinode jobs having POST FAILURE
> There is a bug in the log collection trying to collect from all nodes
> while the old jobs were designed to only collect from the 'primary'.
> Patches are up to fix this and should be fixed soon.
> * Branch Exclusions being ignored
> This has been reported and its cause is currently unknown.
> Thank you all again for your patience! This is a giant rollout with a
> bunch of changes in it, so we really do appreciate everyone's
> understanding as we work through it all.
> Monty
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