On 10/3/2017 11:40 AM, Monty Taylor wrote:
Our nodepool quota will be allocated 80% to Zuul v2, and 20% to ZUul v3.  This will slow v2 down slightly, but allow us to continue to exercise v3 enough to find problems.

Zuul v2 and v3 can not both gate a project or set of projects.  In general, Zuul v2 will be gating all projects, except the few projects that are specifically v3-only: zuul-jobs, openstack-zuul-jobs, project-config, and zuul itself.

So if v3 is in check and periodic, and will be restarted and offline at times, doesn't that mean we could have patches waiting for an extended period of time on v3 results when the v2 jobs are long done? Or do the v3 jobs just timeout and being non-voting shouldn't impact the overall score?




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