On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 8:37 PM Monty Taylor <mord...@inaugust.com> wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> The partial rollback of Zuulv3 is in place now. Zuulv2 is acting as your
> gate keeper once again. The status page for Zuulv2 can be found at
> http://status.openstack.org/zuul and Zuulv3 can be found at
> http://zuulv3.openstack.org.
> With the partial rollback of v3, we've left the v3 check pipeline
> configured for everyone so that new v3 jobs can be iterated on in
> preparation for rolling forward. Doing so leaves open a potential hole
> for breakage, so ...
> If you propose any changes to your repos that include changes to zuul
> config files (.zuul.yaml or .zuul.d) - PLEASE make sure that Zuul v3
> runs check jobs and responds before approving the patch.

While work on zuulv3 continues, what's likely to happen rather often is that
patches get a +1 from Jenkins and nothing or some unrelated error from Zuul,
caused perhaps by a restart of zuulv3.

It might be handy to configure a zuulv3-only trigger for patch recheck, to
consuming the 80% share of zuulv2 nodes to re-run a couple of jobs on zuulv3
side. To that end I proposed [0], I hope you find it useful.

Andrea Frittoli (andreaf)

[0] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/509379/

> If you don't don't do that, you could have zuul v2 land a patch that
> contains a syntax error that would result in invalid config for v3.
> Note that this would break not only your repo - but all testing using
> Zuul v3 (in which case we would have to temporarily remove your
> repository from the v3 configuration or ask for immediate revert)!
> Keep in mind that as we work on diagnosing the issue that caused the
> rollback, we could be restarting v3, shutting it down for a bit or it
> could be wedged - so v3 might not respond.
> Make sure you get a response from v3 on any v3 related patches. Please.
> Thanks!
> Monty
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