On 2017-11-28 15:20:10 -0600 (-0600), Monty Taylor wrote:
> To be fair, Jay Pipes and I tried to push OpenStack to use
> Protobuf instead of JSON for service-to-service communication back
> in 2010 - so it's not ACTUALLY a new idea... but with Google
> pushing it and support from the CNCF, gRPC is actually catching on
> broadly. If we're writing a new thing, let's lean forward into it.

Not to be "that guy" but... why not ASN.1? Sure the new shiny wore
off decades ago, but it's more broadly supported even than PB and
had all that extra time to get the corner cases cleared of cobwebs.
I know this particular train has already sailed, but PB just always
struck me as though it were either designed by someone who had no
idea the same problems had already been solved long ago, or who
didn't (want to be bothered to) read the X.690 spec.

/me goes back to shaking a cane at the kids on his lawn

Jeremy Stanley

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