Updated subject to include [aodh] and [telemetry]

On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 11:41 AM, Doug Hellmann <d...@doughellmann.com> wrote:
> Excerpts from Ken Giusti's message of 2018-06-05 10:47:17 -0400:
>> Hi,
>> The telemetry integration test for oslo.messaging has started failing
>> on the stable/queens branch [0].
>> A quick review of the logs points to a change in heat-tempest-plugin
>> that is incompatible with the version of gabbi from queens upper
>> constraints (1.40.0) [1][2].
>> The job definition [3] includes required-projects that do not have
>> stable/queens branches - including heat-tempest-plugin.
>> My question - how do I prevent this job from breaking when these
>> unbranched projects introduce changes that are incompatible with
>> upper-constrants for a particular branch?
> Aren't those projects co-gating on the oslo.messaging test job?
> How are the tests working for heat's stable/queens branch? Or telemetry?
> (whichever project is pulling in that tempest repo)

I've run the stable/queens branches of both Aodh[1] and Heat[2] - both failed.

Though the heat failure is different from what we're seeing on
oslo.messaging [3],
the same warning about gabbi versions is there [4].

However the Aodh failure is exactly the same as the oslo.messaging one
[5] - this makes sense since the oslo.messaging test is basically
running the same telemetry-tempest-plugin test.

So this isn't something unique to oslo.messaging - the telemetry
integration test is busted in stable/queens.

I'm going to mark these tests as non-voting on oslo.messaging's queens
branch for now so we can land some pending patches.

[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/574306/
[2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/574311/

>> I've tried to use override-checkout in the job definition, but that
>> seems a bit hacky in this case since the tagged versions don't appear
>> to work and I've resorted to a hardcoded ref [4].
>> Advice appreciated, thanks!
>> [0] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/567124/
>> [1] 
>> http://logs.openstack.org/24/567124/1/check/oslo.messaging-telemetry-dsvm-integration-rabbit/e7fdc7d/logs/devstack-gate-post_test_hook.txt.gz#_2018-05-16_05_20_05_624
>> [2] 
>> http://logs.openstack.org/24/567124/1/check/oslo.messaging-telemetry-dsvm-integration-rabbit/e7fdc7d/logs/devstacklog.txt.gz#_2018-05-16_05_19_06_332
>> [3] 
>> https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/oslo.messaging/tree/.zuul.yaml?h=stable/queens#n250
>> [4] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/572193/2/.zuul.yaml
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Ken Giusti  (kgiu...@gmail.com)

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