On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 9:19 AM Doug Hellmann <d...@doughellmann.com> wrote:
> Excerpts from Doug Hellmann's message of 2018-08-01 09:27:09 -0400:
> > Moisés Guimarães (moguimar) did quite a bit of work on oslo.config
> > during the Rocky cycle to add driver support. Based on that work,
> > and a discussion we have had since then about general cleanup needed
> > in oslo.config, I think he would make a good addition to the
> > oslo.config review team.
> >
> > Please indicate your approval or concerns with +1/-1.
> >
> > Doug
> Normally I would have added moguimar to the oslo-config-core team
> today, after a week's wait. Funny story, though. There is no
> oslo-config-core team.
> oslo.config is one of a few of our libraries that we never set up with a
> separate review team. It is managed by oslo-core. We could set up a new
> review team for that library, but after giving it some thought I
> realized that *most* of the libraries are fairly stable, our team is
> pretty small, and Moisés is a good guy so maybe we don't need to worry
> about that.
> I spoke with Moisés, and he agreed to be part of the larger core team.
> He pointed out that the next phase of the driver work is going to happen
> in castellan, so it would be useful to have another reviewer there. And
> I'm sure we can trust him to be careful with reviews in other repos
> until he learns his way around.
> So, I would like to amend my original proposal and suggest that we add
> Moisés to the oslo-core team.
> Please indicate support with +1 or present any concerns you have. I
> apologize for the confusion on my part.
> Doug
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