---- On Thu, 13 Sep 2018 08:05:17 +0900 Lance Bragstad <lbrags...@gmail.com> 
wrote ---- 
 > On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 3:55 PM Jeremy Stanley <fu...@yuggoth.org> wrote:
 > On 2018-09-12 09:47:27 -0600 (-0600), Matt Riedemann wrote:
 >  [...]
 >  > So I encourage all elected TC members to work directly with the
 >  > various SIGs to figure out their top issue and then work on
 >  > managing those deliverables across the community because the TC is
 >  > particularly well suited to do so given the elected position.
 >  [...]
 >  I almost agree with you. I think the OpenStack TC members should be
 >  actively engaged in recruiting and enabling interested people in the
 >  community to do those things, but I don't think such work should be
 >  solely the domain of the TC and would hate to give the impression
 >  that you must be on the TC to have such an impact.
 > I agree that relaying that type of impression would be negative, but I'm not 
 > sure this specifically would do that. I think we've been good about letting 
 > people step up to drive initiatives without being in an elected position [0].
 > IMHO, I think the point Matt is making here is more about ensuring sure we 
 > have people to do what we've agreed upon, as a community, as being mission 
 > critical. Enablement is imperative, but no matter how good we are at it, 
 > sometimes we really just needs hands to do the work.
 > [0] Of the six goals agreed upon since we've implemented champions in 
 > Queens, five of them have been championed by non-TC members (Chandan 
 > championed two, in back-to-back releases).  -- 

True, doing any such cross project work  does not or should not require to be 
TC. And i do not think anyone has objection on this statement. 

Yes, recruiting the people is the key things here and TC can play the ownership 
role in this. I am sure having more and more people involved in such cross 
project work will surly help to find the new leaders. There are lot of 
contributors, who might have bandwidth but not coming up for cross project 
help. Such initiate from TC can help them to come forward.  And any other cross 
project work lead by non-TC will always be great example for TC to encourage 
the other contributors for such activity. 

But key point here is, if there is no one stepped up for priority cross project 
work(much needed for openstack production use case) then, TC can play role to 
find/self owner for that work. 


 >  Jeremy Stanley
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