Trinh Nguyen wrote:
> Dear Release Management team,
> As we're reaching the Stein-1 milestone, I would like to prepare the
> branches and tags. According to the documents, it's the job of the
> Release Management team but it also says I as the PTL can do it. I
> wonder which is the best way because Searchlight has missed several
> milestones.
> It would be great if anyone in the Release Management team can give me
> some advice.

As PTL, you should request tags (releases) by proposing a change to the
openstack/releases repository. The process is explained in

and also in:

No rights are actually needed, we just check that the requester is the
PTL or the designated release liaison before approving the request.

Let us know if you have other questions !

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

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