Greetings OpenStack community,

This newsletter is very different than the past few, in that there is some 
actual news.

We, as a SIG, have recognized that we have moved into a new phase. With most of 
the API guidelines that we needed to write having been written, there is not 
"new stuff" to make demands on our time. In recognition of this, we are 
changing how we will work.

Next Thursday, Sept 27, will be our last formal IRC meeting [7] in 
#openstack-meeting-3; after that we will switch to an "office hours" format, 
where API-SIG members will be available in the #openstack-sdks channel. We will 
have at least two office hours scheduled per week, to allow for more 
participation across time zones. We will discuss that schedule at next week's 
meeting, so if you have any preferences on this, either attend that meeting, or 
reply to this email, so that we can make a schedule that works well for most 
people. We will also discontinue this weekly newsletter, and instead only send 
it when something of note needs to be shared with the wider community.

On a note, one of the biggest contributors to the SIG, Chris Dent (cdent), has 
finally realized that he is spread much too thinly these days, and needs to 
pull back from so many things demanding his time. So while he won't be as 
active in the group as before, I'm sure he'll be keeping an eye on the rest of 
us to make sure we don't mess things up too badly. So for all your good work, 
Chris, we say "Huzzah!".

If you're interested in helping out, here are some things to get you started:

* The list of bugs [5] indicates several missing or incomplete guidelines.
* The existing guidelines [2] always need refreshing to account for changes 
over time. If you find something that's not quite right, submit a patch [6] to 
fix it.
* Have you done something for which you think guidance would have made things 
easier but couldn't find any? Submit a patch and help others [6].

# Newly Published Guidelines

* None

# API Guidelines Proposed for Freeze

* None

# Guidelines that are ready for wider review by the whole community.

* None

# Guidelines Currently Under Review [3]

* Add an api-design doc with design advice

* Update parameter names in microversion sdk spec

* Add API-schema guide (still being defined)

* Version and service discovery series
  Start at

* WIP: microversion architecture archival doc (very early; not yet ready for 

# Highlighting your API impacting issues

If you seek further review and insight from the API SIG about APIs that you are 
developing or changing, please address your concerns in an email to the 
OpenStack developer mailing list[1] with the tag "[api]" in the subject. In 
your email, you should include any relevant reviews, links, and comments to 
help guide the discussion of the specific challenge you are facing.

To learn more about the API SIG mission and the work we do, see our wiki page 
[4] and guidelines [2].

Thanks for reading and see you next week!

# References


Meeting Agenda
Past Meeting Records
Open Bugs

-- Ed Leafe

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

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