On 11/09/2018 19.13, Stephen Finucane wrote:
On Mon, 2018-09-10 at 13:48 -0600, Doug Hellmann wrote:
Melanie gave me the go-ahead to propose the patches, so here's the list
of patches for the zuul migration, doc job update, and python 3.6 unit
tests for the nova repositories.

I've reviewed/+2d all of these on master and think Sylvain will be
following up with the +Ws. I need someone else to handle the
'stable/XXX' patches though.

Here's a query for anyone that wants to jump in here.


Most of these are merged - with exception of stable changes and changes to osc-placement. Any nova stable reviewers around to finish this, please?



PS: Thanks, Andreas, for the follow-up cleanup patches. Much
appreciated :)

Subject                                      | Repo                           | 
Branch        |

remove job settings for nova repositories    | openstack-infra/project-config | 
master        |
import zuul job settings from project-config | openstack/nova                 | 
master        |
switch documentation job to new PTI          | openstack/nova                 | 
master        |
add python 3.6 unit test job                 | openstack/nova                 | 
master        |
import zuul job settings from project-config | openstack/nova                 | 
stable/ocata  |
import zuul job settings from project-config | openstack/nova                 | 
stable/pike   |
import zuul job settings from project-config | openstack/nova                 | 
stable/queens |
import zuul job settings from project-config | openstack/nova                 | 
stable/rocky  |
import zuul job settings from project-config | openstack/nova-specs           | 
master        |
import zuul job settings from project-config | openstack/os-traits            | 
master        |
switch documentation job to new PTI          | openstack/os-traits            | 
master        |
add python 3.6 unit test job                 | openstack/os-traits            | 
master        |
import zuul job settings from project-config | openstack/os-traits            | 
stable/pike   |
import zuul job settings from project-config | openstack/os-traits            | 
stable/queens |
import zuul job settings from project-config | openstack/os-traits            | 
stable/rocky  |
import zuul job settings from project-config | openstack/os-vif               | 
master        |
switch documentation job to new PTI          | openstack/os-vif               | 
master        |
add python 3.6 unit test job                 | openstack/os-vif               | 
master        |
import zuul job settings from project-config | openstack/os-vif               | 
stable/ocata  |
import zuul job settings from project-config | openstack/os-vif               | 
stable/pike   |
import zuul job settings from project-config | openstack/os-vif               | 
stable/queens |
import zuul job settings from project-config | openstack/os-vif               | 
stable/rocky  |
import zuul job settings from project-config | openstack/osc-placement        | 
master        |
switch documentation job to new PTI          | openstack/osc-placement        | 
master        |
add python 3.6 unit test job                 | openstack/osc-placement        | 
master        |
import zuul job settings from project-config | openstack/osc-placement        | 
stable/queens |
import zuul job settings from project-config | openstack/osc-placement        | 
stable/rocky  |
import zuul job settings from project-config | openstack/python-novaclient    | 
master        |
switch documentation job to new PTI          | openstack/python-novaclient    | 
master        |
add python 3.6 unit test job                 | openstack/python-novaclient    | 
master        |
add lib-forward-testing-python3 test job     | openstack/python-novaclient    | 
master        |
import zuul job settings from project-config | openstack/python-novaclient    | 
stable/ocata  |
import zuul job settings from project-config | openstack/python-novaclient    | 
stable/pike   |
import zuul job settings from project-config | openstack/python-novaclient    | 
stable/queens |
import zuul job settings from project-config | openstack/python-novaclient    | 
stable/rocky  |


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 Andreas Jaeger aj@{suse.com,opensuse.org} Twitter: jaegerandi
  SUSE LINUX GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
   GF: Felix Imendörffer, Jane Smithard, Graham Norton,
       HRB 21284 (AG Nürnberg)
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