On 09/01/14 14:13, Derek Higgins wrote:
It looks like we have some duplication and inconsistencies on the 3
os-*-config elements in the tripleo repositories

os-apply-config (duplication) :
    We have two elements that install this

    As far as I can tell the version in diskimage-builder isn't used by
tripleo and the upstart file is broke
./dmesg:[   13.336184] init: Failed to spawn config-applier main
process: unable to execute: No such file or directory

    To avoid confusion I propose we remove
diskimage-builder/elements/config-applier/ (or deprecated if we have a
suitable process) but would like to call it out here first to see if
anybody is using it or thinks its a bad idea?

   os-collect-config, os-refresh-config : these are both installed from
git into the global site-packages
   os-apply-config : installed from a released tarball into its own venv

   To be consistent with the other elements all 3 I think should be
installed from git into its own venv, thoughts?

I've no insight into why things are the way they are, but your suggestions make sense to me.

If no objections I'll go ahead an do this next week,


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