> There are lots of configuration management agents already out there (chef?
> puppet? salt? ansible? ... the list is pretty long these days...) which you
> can bake into the images that you deploy with Ironic, but I'd like to be
> clear that, in my opinion, Ironic's responsibility ends where the host OS
> begins. Ironic is a bare metal provisioning service, not a configuration
> management service.
> What you're suggesting is similar to saying, "we want to run an agent in
> every KVM VM in our cloud," except most customers would clearly object to
> this. The only difference here is that you (and tripleo) are the deployer
> *and* the user of Ironic; that's a special case, but not the only use case
> which Ironic is servicing.
+1 (already agreed with something similar in another thread[1], seems that
this discussion is splitted in 2 threads)

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