
I have looked at 
 and have a few questions:

1.       Monitoring Tab:

a.       Are there users that use load balancing who do not monitor members? 
Can you share the use cases where this makes sense?

b.      Does it make sense to define the different type of monitors (ex: TCP, 

c.       Does any existing cloud service besides the current implementation of 
the LBaaS API supports using multiple monitors on the same pool? Is this a 
required feature?

2.       Logging Tab:

a.       What is logging use for?

b.      How does the tenant consume the logs?

3.       SSL Tab:

a.       Please explain if SSL means passing SSL traffic through the load 
balancer or using the load balancer to terminate certificates.

b.      Does it make sense to separate those (SSL termination and non HTTPS 
terminated traffic) as different rows?

c.       Can anyone explain the use cases for SSL_MIXED?

4.       HA Tab:

a.       Is this a tenant facing option or is it the way the operator chose to 
implement the service

5.       Content Caching Tab:

a.       Is this a load balancer feature or a CDN like feature.

6.       L7

a.       Does any cloud provider support L7 switching and L7 content 

b.      If so can you please add a tab noting how much such features are used?

c.       If not, can anyone attest to whether this feature was requested by 


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