On 06/29/2014 09:39 AM, Joshua Hesketh wrote:
> On 6/28/14 10:40 AM, James E. Blair wrote:
>> An alternate approach would be to have third-party CI systems register
>> jobs with OpenStack's Zuul rather than using their own account.  This
>> would mean only a single report of all jobs (upstream and 3rd-party)
>> per-patchset.  It significantly reduces clutter and makes results more
>> accessible -- but even with one system we've never actually wanted to
>> have Jenkins results in comments, so I think one of the other options
>> would be preferred.  Nonetheless, this is possible with a little bit of
>> work.
> I agree this isn't the preferred solution, but I disagree with the
> little bit of work. This would require CI systems registering with
> gearman which would mean security issues. The biggest problem with this
> though is that zuul would be stuck waiting from results from 3rd parties
> which often have very slow return times.

Right, one of the other issues is the quality of the CI results varies
as well.

I think one of the test result burn out issues right now is based on the
fact that they are too rolled up as it is. For instance, a docs only
change gets Tempest results, which humans know are irrelevant, but
Jenkins insists they aren't. I think that if we rolled up more
information, and waited longer, we'd be in a worse state.


Sean Dague

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