On 09/10/2014 12:56 PM, Monty Taylor wrote:
> I reject soundly and fundamentally the idea that Open Source projects
> NEED a commercial ecosystem to provide solid quality software. 

That's not what I said. I said that assuring the quality of code on a
public repository is not necessarily something that can be asked to the
maintainers of the code. A very simple example: a repository where
nobody committed anything for a long time.  If nobody seems to be
maintaining the code, how can a user get an assurance of the quality of
its code?

That's all I meant to say: "quality" of open source code (just like
non-free software code) is not necessarily something that can be left to
the maintainers of the code. It's like asking the waiter if the wine is
good... of course the answer is yes.

> That is a description of a thing called "Open Core" 

So not. Open Core is a different thing and is orthogonal to code
quality, quality and width of support, maintenance etc.

> Apache has been the dominant web server for forever, and if there is any
> human who has ever purchased "Commerical Apache" they are an absolute
> moron.

And yet, Red Hat sells quite a lot of software that is completely free
as in beer (in addition to being free as in freedom). This is what I'm
talking about, not 'open core'.

To go back in topic, I was explicitly addressing Tim's question
"How can the average deployer know whether a stackforge is [...]" and my
answer is that stackforge can have perfectly "fine" code while there
could be "bad" code in openstack/*.

And I simply don't think that the openstack project as a whole can
answer anything but "all our code is great", if asked. Therefore,
deciding whether code on stackforge or anywhere else for that matter,
needs to be properly evaluated at procurement time.

On 09/10/2014 10:45 AM, Tim Bell wrote:
> There is an impression that open source software does not have
> procurement issues.

I guarantee you I never had that impression, quite the contrary instead.
I've worked with Italian government and large corporations to teach them
how to deal with open source code long since there was no Red Hat in Italy.

Also, to clarify my answer to Tim, I reject the idea that code in
stackforge is a second class citizen. As simple as that.


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