>So, I don't understand what allowing the HTTP backend to support add()
gives the user of Glance.
It doesn't give anything to the user.

glance_store is all about different backends, such as the VMWare datastore
or the Sheepdog data store. Having several backends/drivers allows the
cloud operator/administrator to choose among several options when he
deploys and operates his cloud. Currently the HTTP store lacks an 'add'
method so it can't be used as a default store. But the cloud provider may
have an existing storage solution/infrastructure that has an HTTP gateway
and that understands basic PUT/GET/DELETE operations.  So having a full
blown HTTP store makes sense, imo, because it gives more deployment options.

Is that clearer ? What do you think ?

On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 7:28 PM, Jay Pipes <jaypi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 02/13/2015 11:55 AM, Jordan Pittier wrote:
>> Jay, I am afraid I didn't understand your point.
>> Could you rephrase/elaborate on "What is the difference between just
>> calling the Glance API to upload an image, versus adding add()" please ?
>> Currently, you can't call the Glance API to upload an image if the
>> default_store is the HTTP store.
> No, you upload the image to a Glance server that has a backing data store
> like filesystem or swift. But the process of doing that (i.e. calling
> `glance image upload`) is the same as what you are describing -- it's all
> just POST'ing some data via HTTP through the Glance API endpoint.
> So, I don't understand what allowing the HTTP backend to support add()
> gives the user of Glance.
> Best,
> -jay
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