
On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 9:43 AM, Dean Troyer <> wrote:
> Hello OpenStack world! My name is Dean Troyer and I am running for the
> OpenStack Technical Committee.
> I have been part of the OpenStack community for a long time and heavily
> involved in three projects: I was an early contributor to DevStack and
> served as its PTL during its short tenure as a stand-alone program, I
> started Grenade to use DevStack as the basis for upgrade testing. I also am
> the PTL of the OpenStackClient project that recently became the first
> project brought into the expanded official project definition.
> The common thread of my work in OpenStack has been with things that cross
> the traditional vertical service projects. This has highlighted the scope
> and consequences of differences between projects for me. Differences that
> affect project developers is one thing, and sometimes a good thing even, but
> differences that adversely affect deployers and consumers of OpenStack
> clouds is another thing altogether. I believe this is where the focus of
> encouraging projects to converge should be placed. Efforts like the API
> Working Group and the Log Working Group need to be encouraged where they
> improve the experiences of our customers (where 'our' == 'OpenStack' and
> 'customers' == 'everyone downstream from OpenStack').
> I believe the TC has a good bit of work ahead to follow through implementing
> the vision of inclusiveness. Communicating the state of projects is a huge
> part of this. We should set up the goals and see who can score. Those
> projects that do score will be the ones rewarded not by the TC but by the
> rest of the community. One specific example that I think the TC should
> facilitate is describing the technical relationships between projects. The
> TC should bless, if not create, a common vocabulary to describe the groups
> of projects and their relationships. While this may be expressed in 'tags',
> it is more than just tag definitions.
> The Technical Committee is unique in that in some way it touches every
> aspect of OpenStack: projects and project developers, application
> developers, distributors and VARs, cloud deployers and operators, end users,
> and the OpenStack Board of Directors (DefCore!). The TC is the duct tape of
> OpenStack! No, it is better than that, it is by design the group that
> oversees enabling everything else to succeed.
> I believe that TC members must have a broad vision and insight into many
> parts of OpenStack and depth into at least a couple of areas. And I believe
> that I have both of those attributes. I would appreciate your consideration
> and vote.
> As I mentioned above, I have been part of the OpenStack community since
> before there was one, working on the original Nova deployment at NASA. That
> was followed by a stint at Rackspace where DevStack and OSC were born, and
> on to Nebula where we tossed Grenade into the world. After the recent events
> at Nebula I will be joining Intel soon and again be focused on upstream
> OpenStack projects.
> Thanks again for your time and consideration
> dt
> --
> Dean Troyer
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