Yes please.

I’ll be making private accommodation requirements. I have family in the area.


> On May 30, 2015, at 9:28 AM, Adam Young <> wrote:
> Now that we are through the summit, it is time to plan the Midcycle.  We have 
> had a consensus that the Keystone Midcycle would be in Boston this summer, 
> from 15-17 July, held at Boston University.
> I've started a Trello Board to manage the details.
>  It is world readable, but 
> you need to be a member to be able to edit it.  Let me know if you feel the 
> need to be able to edit it, or to receive notifications.
> If you are planning to attend, please let me know and I will add you to the 
> list.
> There are a list of hotels with prices researched a couple weeks ago.  Some 
> of the details have changed since then.  The least expensive option by far is 
> to stay in the BU dorms;  if you would like to do this, we need to know soon, 
> as we have to reserve the rooms quickly.
> The exact room at BU has not been determined, but it will be in the vicinity 
> opf the Physics and Computer Science  buildings.
> Future notifications will be from Trello unless you request of me otherwise.
> Thanks, All.
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