On 23/06/15 06:49, Thomas Spatzier wrote:
From: Jay Dobies <jason.dob...@redhat.com>
To: openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
Date: 22/06/2015 19:22
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [heat][tripleo]Recursive validation for
easier composability

On 06/22/2015 12:19 PM, Steven Hardy wrote:
Hi all,

Lately I've been giving some thought to how we might enable easier
composability, and in particular how we can make it easier for folks to
plug in deeply nested optional extra logic, then pass data in via
parameter_defaults to that nested template.

Here's an example of the use-case I'm describing:

Here, we want to allow someone to easily turn on an optional
or feature, in this case a netapp backend for cinder.
I think the actual desired goal is bigger than just optional
configuration. I think it revolves more around choosing a nested stack
implementation for a resource type and how to manage custom parameters
for that implementation. We're getting into the territory here of having
a parent stack defining an API that nested stacks can plug into. I'd
like to have some sort of way of deriving that information instead of
having it be completely relegated to outside documentation (but I'm
getting off topic; at the end I mention how I want to do a better write
up of the issues Tuskar has faced and I'll elaborate more there).
FWIW, adding a thought from my TOSCA background where we've been looking at
something similar, namely selecting a nested templates that declares to be
matching an interfaces consumed in a parent template (that's how I
understood Jay's words above). In TOSCA, there is a more type-safe kind of
template nesting, where nested templates do not just bring new resource
types into existence depending on what parameters they expose, but there is
a strict contract on the interface a nested template must fulfil - see [1],
and especially look for substitution_mapping.

Admittedly, this is not exactly the same as Steven's original problem, but
kind of related. And IIRC, some time back there was some discussion around
introduction of some kind of "interface" for HOT templates. So wanted to
bring this in and give it some thought whether something like this would
make sense for Heat.


This sounds like the dormant blueprint interface-types [2]. I still think it would be appropriate to support this at the heat layer even though Murano ended up keeping their interface implementation at the Murano layer.

Interfaces is slightly different to how to set parameters on deeply nested stacks though.

[2] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/heat/+spec/interface-types

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