Hello, oslo team.

With recent mock nightmare we should not release a new stable version of
oslotest so that projects that depend on oslotest but don't directly depend
on mock will be unblocked in gate.

I found out about this from this review: [0]
It fails because stable oslotest 1.5.1 have uncapped dependency on mock for
2.6. It still remains so because Proposal Bot's review to update
requirements in oslotest [1] got stuck because of a problem with new(er)
version of fixtures. It has been fixed in oslotest master 2 weeks ago [2],
but hasn't been backported to stable/kilo, so I've created a CR [3] (change
touches only a test for oslotest, so it's double-safe for stable).

So after CRs [3][1] are merged to oslotest we should release a new stable
version (1.5.2, I guess) for it and then we can update requirements in
oslo.concurrency [0].

All that said it looks like we need to pay more attention to Proposal Bot's
failures. It should trigger a loud alarm and make Zuul blink all red since
it most likely means that something got broken in our requirements and
noone would notice until it breaks something else.

[0] https://review.openstack.org/201862
[1] https://review.openstack.org/201196
[2] https://review.openstack.org/197900
[3] https://review.openstack.org/202091
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