Hi Zaro,

Thanks to reply.

On 07/24/2015 03:06 PM, Zaro wrote:
That is correctly, the Jenkins UI will not show any info about the gearman queue. If job is pending in Jenkins that means it's been added to the gearman queue and has been moved to the jenkins build queue. The jenkins UI will only show the job once it's in the jenkins queue.

Hmm. What happens when you manually start a build by click on the build icon in the jenkins UI? I'm wondering if maybe your labels are configured correctly for your jobs and slaves. Are there any labels on the job or the nodes (master or slaves)? I think the jobs would be in a pending state if there are labels on nodes and jobs but they do not match. I would check to see if there are any labels on the jobs and if there are then I would remove all of the labels and try again. There are step by step directions on how to setup the gearman-plugin in the jenkins wiki[1] which also shows you how to debug by viewing the gearman server queue and function registrations. Try to make sure the functions are registered correctly and that the job is in the queue after you run the gear-client command.

A couple of questions:
What version of Jenkins are you running? I think openstack runs on 1.565.3 Also I don't think we've ever tested Jenkins and the gearman server running on the same machine or VM. Maybe one thing you can try is to run them on separate VMs?

I don't have any label, and only a master, no slave.

My jenkins is 1.609.1.

The whole problem is described here:


Please help to check and see.

BTW, I post the problem to #openstack-infra IRC channel. You can join into that meeting if you'd like to.


[1] https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Gearman+Plugin

On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 11:20 PM, Tang Chen <tangc...@cn.fujitsu.com <mailto:tangc...@cn.fujitsu.com>> wrote:

    On 07/24/2015 12:59 PM, Zaro wrote:
    Hello Tang,  Openstack slaves only have a single executor so what
    you are probably seeing is due to using build slaves that have
    multiple executors.  There were a few bugs[1] that was fixed
    recently around these types of deadlock issues.   The new
    gearman-plugin release[2] contains fixes for those issues.  Also
    if you want to test the gearman-plugin with Jenkins independently
    of zuul you can use the simple gearman-plugin-client[3] to send
    jobs your gearman server to see if the jobs get built.

    [1] https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-28891 and
    [3] https://github.com/zaro0508/gearman-plugin-client

    Hi Zaro,

    Thanks for the reply.

    But I updated the gearman plugin to 0.1.2, and used the
    gearman-plugin-client to submit jobs.

    # python gear_client.py -s localhost

    Sat Jul 25 14:16:57 2015
    Sending job: build:noop-check-communication to localhost with
    params={'OFFLINE_NODE_WHEN_COMPLETE': 'false', 'uuid':

    Waiting for jobs to finish.................................

    It doesn't work. The job submitted by the client is also pending.

    BTW, I cannot see the job submitted by client in my Jenkins GUI.
    Is that correct ?


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