On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 3:29 PM, Steven Dake (stdake) <std...@cisco.com>

> Hi folks,
> Swapnil has done a bunch of great technical work, participates heavily in
> IRC, and has contributed enormously to the implementation of Kolla.  I’d
> like to see more reviews from Swapnil, but he has committed to doing more
> reviews and already has gone from something like 0 reviews to 90 reviews in
> about a month.  Count this proposal as a +1 from me.
> His 90 day stats are:
> http://stackalytics.com/report/contribution/kolla-group/90
> The process we go to select new core reviewers is that we require a
> minimum of 3 +1 votes within a 1 week voting window.  A vote of –1 is a
> veto.  It is fine to abstain as well without any response to this email.
> If the vote is unanimous or there is a veto vote prior to the end of the
> voting window, I’ll close voting then.
> The voting is open until Friday August 21st.

I'm abstaining from the vote as I haven't been very involved lately and
feel I can't judge on Swapnil's work. That being said, I entirely trust
other cores' judgment and am sure he'll be an excellent kolla core.


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