Hi all,

I was reading over the TC IRC logs for this week (my weekly reading) and I just wanted to let my thoughts and comments be known on:


I feel it's very important to send a positive note for new/upcoming projects and libraries... (and for everyone to remember that most projects do start off with a small set of backers). So I just wanted to try to ensure that we send a positive note with any tag like this that gets created and applied and that we all (especially the TC) really really considers the negative connotations of applying that tag to a project (it may effectively ~kill~ that project).

I would really appreciate that instead of just applying this tag (or other similarly named tag to projects) that instead the TC try to actually help out projects with those potential tags in the first place (say perhaps by actively listing projects that may need more contributors from a variety of companies on the openstack blog under say a 'HELP WANTED' page or something). I'd much rather have that vs. any said tags, because the latter actually tries to help projects, vs just stamping them with a 'you are bad, figure out how to fix yourself, because you are not diverse' tag.

I believe it is the TC job (in part) to help make the community better, and not via tags like this that IMHO actually make it worse; I really hope that folks on the TC can look back at their own projects they may have created and ask how would their own project have turned out if they were stamped with a similar tag...

- Josh

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