Morgan, thanks for all your hard work. It’s been an honor to have you as our 

"All the world's a stage,”

Now set back, relax, grab a drink, and enjoy the show. ☺


From: Morgan Fainberg []
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2015 2:41 PM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: [openstack-dev] [keystone] PTL non-candidacy

As I outlined (briefly) in my recent announcement of changes ( 
) I will not be running for PTL of Keystone this next cycle (Mitaka). The role 
of PTL is a difficult but extremely rewarding job. It has been amazing to see 
both Keystone and OpenStack grow.

I am very pleased with the accomplishments of the Keystone development team 
over the last year. We have seen improvements with Federation, 
Keystone-to-Keystone Federation, Fernet Tokens, improvements of testing, 
releasing a dedicated authentication library, cross-project initiatives around 
improving the Service Catalog, and much, much more. I want to thank each and 
every contributor for the hard work that was put into Keystone and its 
associated projects.

While I will be changing my focus to spend more time on the general needs of 
OpenStack and working on the Public Cloud story, I am confident in those who 
can, and will, step up to the challenges of leading development of Keystone and 
the associated projects. I may be working across more projects, but you can be 
assured I will be continuing to work hard to see the initiatives I helped start 
through. I wish the best of luck to the next PTL.

I guess this is where I get to write a lot more code soon!

See you all (in person) in Tokyo!
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