"A pattern, apart from the term's use to mean Template is a discernible 
regularity in the world or in a manmade design. As such, the elements of a   
pattern repeat in a predictable manner." -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pattern

Hello horizon-eers,

We have made some progress towards angular development in horizon, but much of 
it is still invisible. During Kilo, enough effort was put forth on angular work 
to help us recognize the deficiencies of the existing horizon angular code 
structure, style, localization, and even directory layout. 

A lot of effort went into Liberty to improve all of those areas, which has now 
enabled a much more serious discussion on producing angular based panels for 
horizon. And we actually have quite a few panels pretty far along in the patch 
process, but pretty much stuck in a holding pattern. Why? Primarily because 
there isn’t agreement on the coding pattern to be used for the panels.

Everybody seems to agree that we want a good enough pattern to base all the 
panels on. And most people would like a pattern that provides enough reusable 
widgets / services / etc that replicating the pattern requires a minimal amount 
of code with a maximum amount of flexibility.

However, one problem is that no single panel on its own constitutes a pattern. 
And within any line of patches for a particular panel, the attempts to extract 
out reusable pieces into separate patches often get blocked because they are 
only used in a single panel. This creates an impasse where the ability to 
effectively work on panels stagnates.

So, right now, the most recognizable pattern for angular panels is release 
after release of horizon having zero angular panels implemented.

That is a pattern that I believe must be broken.

So what can we do about it? Here are a few options:

1) Formalize a status of "experimental" and allow a limited number of disabled 
panels to merge with refactoring allowed
2) Immediately create a relatively short lived "Angular Panel" feature branch 
for some cross panel work.
3) Establish a new angular repo with additional cores for angular based 
features with a separate release mechanism

One argument says that merging in code that is initially disabled (panel 
disabled, workflow disabled) at least provides some real examples to draw from 
and actually can better enable external plugin developers, such as the app 
catalog work being done. It also can help to identify bugs and usability 
problems that may not otherwise be discovered (such as hard coded static urls 
and webroots) because deployers will have access to the feature. If a 
particular deployer wants to use it, they can enable it, potentially at their 
own risk. If another deployer does not want to use it until the feature has 
more time to bake, they do not have to use it and don’t have to block other 
deployers that do want to use it.

A counter argument is that allowing the merge of disabled code allows 
undesirable patterns to replicate quickly, causing way too much time to be 
wasted with having to refactor everything.

The idea of a feature branch has been brought up before, but I think it was not 
accepted for a number of reasons. A few being that the scope and goal of such a 
feature branch was not clear (too narrow or too broad) and with a lack of 
belief that there would be a reasonable timeline for acceptance back to master. 

We could also just create a separate repo for the angular based work 
(framework, dashboards, panels) and perhaps provide that as its own xstatic 
package (synced up to the main horizon release). A deployer desiring the 
angular work would deploy that package along with the base horizon release and 
still be able to selectively enable / disable the angular features they want. 
The argument against this is that it is more complicated to manage and even 
more likely that we could break things.

In my opinion the most effective route forward is something like this:

 1) Immediately create a feature branch for Angular Panel Pattern Establishment
 2) Allow 3 - 5 panels and their patches to be eagerly merged
 3) Use the panels to establish cross panel patterns and to find ways to 
simplify code re-use
 4) Extract out patches to be proposed to master as we see fit
 5) Set a goal of Mitaka M1 for at least a few panels to be merged back to 

While on the feature branch, the goal is to promote co-existence and pattern 
development allowing for easier collaboration between developers. This means 
allowing incomplete features on the branch. When merged back to master, the 
reviews would enforce the more stringent standards for merge guidelines, but 
could still allow for panels to be merged and still initially be disabled if 

I believe that this would create a pattern of visible progress.

Remember, perfection is the enemy of... http://pasteboard.co/zq44Y8f.png

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