
As the title says here are the patches that set up app-catalog-ui and 
murano-dashboard to work under common panel structure [1] Repositories would 
now share a couple of small config files to allow both dashboards be installed 
independently, if needed [2], [3]

Here is also a small script I used to fetch a clean install 
http://paste.openstack.org/show/567659/ [4] (you would obviously need to change 

I already got some positive feedback on the murano side of patches, but I am 
holding them back till I get some feedback on the app-catalog-ui side. I’d like 
to kindly ask Kevin and Chris to take a look at the patches and new structure 
and provide some feedback. We still have time before RC1 and I really hope to 
see this land in Newton =)

[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/catalog-dashboard-reorg 
[4] http://paste.openstack.org/show/567659/ 

Kirill Zaitsev
Murano Project Tech Lead
Software Engineer at
Mirantis, Inc

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