The discussions on the various mailing lists on how to name "that thing"
have culminated in a face to face discussion in Prague yesterday where
the systems management stakeholder took the input from the community and
the usages in current openSUSE and Novell products in consideration.

The goal was to have one technical term that we can use use in a
consistent way in future new openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise release
- in software, documents, wiki etc.

The decision was to use "repository".  Other names considered where
"installation source" and "catalog".

So, yes we now have a management decision ;-) to name it "repository".

I'm asking now the developers and documentation guys to change their
texts and use it in new texts.  On the other hand I ask everybody to
give them some time and not file bug reports against documentation and
software that uses the old names in openSUSE 10.3.  Let's make it
perfect for the release after - unless the teams can easily do this and
tell us "file bugs" ;-)


P.S. Reply-To to [EMAIL PROTECTED] is set for any discussions.
 Andreas Jaeger, Director Platform / openSUSE, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
   Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
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