I believe a complete restructuring of openSUSE's delivery should be
considered. To provide as little difference between the download and the
retail versions as possible should be the goal, And there are
differences. check the bug
https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=282531 there are differences
even the devs forget.

my proposal is no dvd:
cd1 kde or gnome base install
cd2 OS extension, rest of yast and anything that could be called as an
underlying dependency to an application.
cd3 server applications i.e apache2,mysql,etc
cd4 server applications that rely on cd3
cdx0 more server applications
cdX1 desktop applications, this could be more than one cd if catagories
demand the space. It could also include the EDU-CD 
cdX2 non-oss
cdX3 etc

This way a person downloading would only need to choose the desktop and
what they want to accomplish beyond that.

James Tremblay
Director of Technology
Newmarket School District
"let's make a difference"

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