On Wednesday 07 June 2006 12:02 pm, Günter Lichtenberg wrote:
> > Smart isn't so smart......d'led something that KDE doesn't like, and
> > KILLED KDE...won't start up. Thankfully, I still have Gnome.
> Also for me KDE did not want to start - maybe it's the same as your
> problem. The solution was: for some reason I still (or again?) had
> kdebase3-5.1 while all others were 3.5.3 (check either with smart gui or
> rpm -qi kdebase3). So I just updated l channels and upgraded kdebase - now
> the 3.5.3 version and voila, KDE runs again.
> > Fred
> gl
> P.S.: I know this list is not for answers (or at least not yet...) but I
> could not resist.

NOT a problem........TOO many people need solutions for problems that never 
should have been in a released product, so not to worry. 'Correct......the 
KDEbase is either blown away by Smart or the wrong version has been/is 


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