So anyway, I'm just going to disregard the "Documentation" thread and start
a thread that is actually useful :)

(Though, Ken, we're still hoping your willing to do some Doc work!)

So besides Action Chaining, Rickard made a good point that interceptors is
very important as well. I'd like to talk about the actual implementation
now -- using the transaction scenario as an example.

How will the interceptor know when to rollback or commit? Of course on an
Exception it should, but what about on ERROR or INPUT? What if the action,
to signify it's is complete, used COMPLETE instead of SUCCESS? Do you see my
point? How can we make interceptors work for all cases? I'm guessing some
sort of configuration is needed for each interceptor on each action, so we
could do something like:

<interceptor class="...">
    <param name="commit.values">success, complete</param>

And then the interceptot could know to rollback if the return value isn't
one of those two.

Rickard, is this what you had in mind?

Also, Interceptors would fit in to the GenericDispatcher area. I think that
they would replace ActionFactoryProxies entirely, correct? Also, maybe
Rickard you can provide some sample psuedo code for an Interceptor as well
as how it would go about being invoked in GenericDispatcher?


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