Jason Carreira wrote:
Here you can see that I've implemented Rickard's ideas (see
1) Packages - All configuration settings are in a package. Result types,
interceptors, and actions are all package context specific, no more
global settings (unless you have a "default" package and have your other
packages extend it). Result, Interceptor, and Action configurations are
inherited by packages which "extend" another package, such as package
"bar" above, which extends "default".

2) Interceptor stacks - Make it easier to have sets of interceptors you
apply together in a certain order. These are also inherited as part of
the interceptor definition inheritance. Essentially these are just name
mappings to lists of interceptors instead of one Interceptor.
Can a stack reference a stack? It is sometimes nice of actions could refer to "default" which in turn could refer to either "defaultStack" or "defaultDebug". Actions then refer to "default" and can be switched between production and debug simply by editing the "debug" interceptor stack reference.

3)Namespaces - a new idea of mine, this allows actions to be aliased
with the same name, providing they are in different namespaces. With the
ServletDispatcher, this equates to the path before the action name,
which will allow for J2EE declarative security. Namespaces are optional
attributes of package definitions and, if excluded, defaults to "". If
the action configuration is not found with the supplied namespace, the
"" namespace is checked as the default namespace, which makes it work
like we have now (any path works, you get the action aliased with the

Check out the code in the sandbox in CVS.
Way to go Jason!


Rickard Öberg

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