What does "lspci -nnk" say about the build in graphics board? Can you 
provide a PCI-ID?

Regards, Jörn

Am 07.04.2016 um 14:51 schrieb David Fernandez:
> Similar problem here.
> I have the i915 intel chipset and it works, but only with vga connector
> on the old Dell Gx260
> I have also a dell 760 usff wich uses dvi and get a blank screen too.
> It could be an issue on dvi?
> lswh command shows
> *-display:0
> configuration: driver=i915 latency=0
> xorg log shows
> (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0)
> (EE) No drivers available.
> no screens found
> What can we do further?
> Thanks.
> El 28/3/16 a les 10:34, Олег Маслов ha escrit:
>> Hello,
>> afte update to OTC-Pales from OTC-Consus some of my thin clients (old
>> desktop computers) with intel 865G chipset (Asus p5pe-vm motherboard)
>> have graphic problem.
>> When they boot's screen does not show anything - blank black screen.
>> Maybe i can add this driver to boot image by myself?
>> Thank you.
>> P.S. sorry about bad english.
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