On Wed, 2017-07-26 at 11:16 +0200, David Sommerseth wrote:
> On 26/07/17 10:02, David Woodhouse wrote:
> [...snip...]
> > 
> > 
> > Well yes, that's true. But it's more likely that I'll finally get round
> > to porting OpenVPN to something other than pkcs11-helper before that
> > happens, unfortunately.
> TL;DR:  If you or anyone else have a chance to look into this, we will
> appreciate that effort enormously!  Just grab us on ML or the
> #openvpn-devel IRC channel (FreeNode) and we can discuss it further.
> Steffan and I discussed what is needed to be done to port p11-kit awhile
> ago; we're also not too happy about the pkcs11-helper dependency.  If we
> had only had support for one SSL library, it probably would have been
> somewhat simpler.  But as we strive hard to have both mbed TLS and
> OpenSSL builds to be fairly feature comparable (from an OpenVPN
> perspective), this gets a bit more challenging.
> IIRC, one of the more challenging parts here is to get p11-kit to play
> nicely along with mbed TLS.  We are concerned that there are some need
> to also adopt mbed TLS to support p11-kit.  However, I quite recently
> heard some rumours that mbed TLS provides some API for offloading sign
> and decrypt operations outside of the library; that needs to be
> investigated further and to consider if this is a better way for the
> integration.

Yeah... in my Copious Spare Time I have also been looking at
integrating PKCS#11 support as a first-class citizen into OpenSSL. You
really ought to be able to just pass a PKCS#11 URI instead of a
filename into fairly much any API and have it Just Work.

But implementing the basic crypto primitives in libp11-kit might be
interesting, which makes it easier to wrap them for various crypto

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