
Here's the summary of the IRC meeting.



Place: #openvpn-meeting on libera.chat
Date: Wed 27th October 2021
Time: 14:00 CET (12:00 UTC)

Planned meeting topics for this meeting were here:


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cron2, dazo, d12fk, mattock, MaxF, novaflash, plaisthos and rob0 participated in this meeting.


Talked about hackathon T-shirt design. The top left design was chosen earlier:


Most people agreed that the grey color as shown in the design is preferable to black. So grey is what we'll have.

It was agreed that we'd like to have a list of hackathons at the back:

2011 Brussels
2012 Brussels
2013 Munich
2014 Munich
2015 Delft
2016 Helsinki
2017 Karlsruhe
2018 Lviv
2019 Trento
2021 Munich


Talked about the OpenSSL 3.0 patches aimed at 2.6. Plaisthos will make the requested modifications once the currently acked ones are merged.


Talked about 2.5.5 release. One significant bug has been fixed since 2.5.4-I604. Agreed to wait a few weeks to make sure there are no more hidden corner-cases caused by the switch to MSVC builds, then do 2.5.5.


Talked about corp guys who are not active in the community yet they're joining the hackathon even on Friday-Sunday. Noted that this is ok, but we'd like to get them involved in community work as well. Also noted that Qaware guys were invited to join us on Friday.


Full chatlog attached

(15:03:05) mattock: hi
(15:03:17) novaflash [~novafl...@185-227-75-241.dsl.cambrium.nl] è entrato 
nella stanza.
(15:03:20) novaflash: boop
(15:03:21) dazo: hey!
(15:03:37) cron2: coming soon... got stuck in a meeting
(15:03:39) MaxF: hello
(15:03:55) mattock: this is the "fight over T-shirt color and what's on their 
backside" -meeting
(15:04:01) rob0: hi all, longer, larger, fart[her]
(15:04:13) mattock: cron2 has opinions, not sure if anyone else has them :)
(15:04:14) novaflash: top left dark gray ball of network cables woo
(15:04:30) mattock: not my preference, but I can live with it
(15:05:17) dazo: mattock: oh good!  So nice with a variation of the colour of 
the bike shed discussions ..... :-P
(15:06:11) ordex: I agree with cron2: wouldn't be bad to have the dates of the 
hackathons on the back
(15:06:14) ordex: :]
(15:06:21) ordex: assuming this is not too much effort for the designer
(15:06:37) novaflash: it's an american designer, you know how they are with 
(15:06:42) plaisthos: just the dates!
(15:06:45) ordex: resending: "hey I am here just to say that time my on side is 
still not easily available, thus I have to confirm that I won't be able to join 
the hackathon phisically"
(15:06:45) novaflash: better teach them the right way
(15:06:52) ordex: lol
(15:07:09) novaflash: but i assume if we just do YYYY then it's hard for them 
to mess it up
(15:07:39) mattock: you still have to convert those years to pounds
(15:08:05) plaisthos: MMXI, MMXII, MMXIV, yeah should be doable ;)
(15:08:13) mattock: indeed
(15:08:29) mattock: that's actually fairly easy because we're not far away from 
(15:08:36) mattock: anyhow
(15:08:41) mattock: we need a list of hackathons then
(15:08:57) mattock: I should have the old T-shirt designs which have the list
(15:10:48) mattock: 2011 Brussels, 2012 Brussels, 2013 Munich, 2014 Munich, 
2015 Delft, 2016 Helsinki, 2017 Karlsruhe, 2018 Lviv, 2019 Trento, 2021 Munich
(15:11:06) mattock: damn, year 10
(15:11:27) novaflash: munich is a lot in there
(15:11:30) mattock: everybody ok with having the dates on back
(15:11:32) mattock: ?
(15:11:35) novaflash: +1
(15:12:04) mattock: as for the color: I would personally prefer the gray one
(15:12:10) novaflash: it serves as a great reminder of the trauma experienced - 
but only when i see someone else wearing the shirt. so i'm not confronted with 
it every time when wearing it myself.
(15:12:13) novaflash: yes gray +1
(15:12:19) mattock: but it might be possible to just have black for cron2 and 
grey for everyone else
(15:12:20) mattock: :D
(15:12:31) dazo: gray++
(15:12:32) novaflash: just turn off the light for him
(15:12:42) rob0: I think plaisthos also wanted black
(15:12:54) mattock: I told the designed (let's call him Matt) to make design so 
that it will work on both grey and black
(15:13:10) mattock: rob0: I think plaisthos said he has too many black 
hackathon T-shirts
(15:13:11) mattock: :)
(15:13:18) rob0: haha
(15:13:24) plaisthos: yeah
(15:13:35) plaisthos: I would prefer a non-black colour
(15:13:53) mattock: I also have like 10 black openvpn hackathon T-shirts, so I 
welcome change
(15:14:33) novaflash: i have a backup design handy just in case, in pink
(15:15:03) d12fk: pink *would* be nice
(15:15:20) ***rob0 has to go afk, wishing all an excellent hackathon and a 
well-painted bikeshed
(15:15:27) rob0: pink++
(15:15:38) cron2: now
(15:15:52) novaflash: hi
(15:16:05) d12fk: so, "pink" summons cron2 =)
(15:16:34) dazo: not sure how to interpret that .....
(15:16:58) mattock: rob0: have fun!
(15:18:44) mattock: novaflash: I'm sure the backup design is created with MS 
(15:19:52) novaflash: yes but i am a pro at it 
https://crashed.computer/2021-10-13_14-57-08.jpg as you can see here
(15:20:15) cron2: so if you all are grey hackers these days, I can live with 
non-black... but...
(15:20:29) mattock: ...but you will not talk to any of us during the hackathon? 
(15:20:34) plaisthos: novaflash: your English is stuck in 200 year old English
(15:20:41) plaisthos: when gay had a different meaning
(15:20:57) mattock: I think novaflash means the more modern meaning of "gay" 
(15:21:11) cron2: mattock: if I have to look at white or grey t-shirts, I'll 
have to wear sunglasses
(15:21:30) mattock: ok :)
(15:21:39) mattock: grey is much better than white in that regard
(15:21:43) MaxF: has someone invented shirts with a dark mode toggle yet?
(15:21:54) mattock: I don't think so
(15:22:04) mattock: I've only seen swag mugs that turn from black to white
(15:22:12) mattock: when you pour hot liquid inside
(15:22:42) mattock: ok, so grey is good enough even for cron2, and we want the 
list of hackathons at the back
(15:22:55) mattock: anything else regarding T-shirts?
(15:23:15) dazo: MaxF: only in the webshops ... but can't be toggled afterwards 
(15:24:17) plaisthos: As for OpenSSL 3.0 patches. I think I will wait until the 
currently acked are merged and then a v4 patch set of the ones that needed 
correction/are not yet merged
(15:25:16) cron2: plaisthos: I'm not sure I can merge any of the currently 
ACKed ones, as they seem to depend on prior infra
(15:25:25) plaisthos: cron2: which one?
(15:25:42) MaxF: plaisthos Do you want to change anything about 19/21? 
Otherwise I'm going to review that one today
(15:26:00) plaisthos: no 19/21 is fine as is
(15:26:01) cron2: like 11 ("USe EVP_MD_get0_name"), that needs openssl_compat.h 
(15:26:07) plaisthos: ah
(15:26:36) cron2: ok, I thought 01 had a "can you change this?" comment from 
Selva, but that was misremembered
(15:26:52) cron2: that was actually myself getting confused about "const", but 
that has been clarified
(15:26:56) cron2: so, 01 is good
(15:27:02) cron2: 02 wants reindenting - shall I do that?
(15:27:03) plaisthos: the context is just 
(15:27:03) plaisthos: #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x30000000L
(15:27:32) plaisthos: cron2: should I resend the patch for that?
(15:27:54) cron2: 02 + reindent - you can re-send, or I can fix at apply time
(15:28:30) cron2: 08 wants code change (Selva)
(15:28:47) cron2: 09 has an ACK (MaxF) and a style change (Selva)
(15:29:11) cron2: 10 is good
(15:29:35) cron2: 11+13 are good
(15:29:55) cron2: 12 (providers) has a larger discussion, but 13 is independent 
of that, I think
(15:30:13) cron2: so yeah, I can busy myself with 01+02+10+11+13
(15:30:34) plaisthos: and when those are merged I can then resend the other 
ones that are still missing
(15:30:40) cron2: yep
(15:31:07) MaxF: 18 looks good too
(15:34:47) cron2: it definitely has no conflicts
(15:37:27) cron2: anything else on 2.6?
(15:38:19) mattock: not from my end
(15:39:18) cron2: so, 2.5 :-)
(15:39:29) cron2: shall we do a 2.5.5 eventually, when we are sure we have 
finally fixed all windows bugs?
(15:40:06) mattock: you mean a real 2.5.5 or 2.5.4 + more MSVC fixes?
(15:42:52) mattock: I mean, either one is ok once we're fairly sure there won't 
be more MSVC fixes
(15:43:12) mattock: but maybe we can wait for some non-Windows fixes _or_ some 
(15:43:53) cron2: there is a crucial bug fixed in 2.5.4
(15:44:36) cron2: wiscii's common_name env bug!!
(15:44:45) mattock: that one
(15:44:54) mattock: I think you mean release/2.5
(15:44:58) cron2: but yeah, we can do that in 2-3 weeks when we have more 
feedback on I604 (<- that is actually a record)
(15:45:01) cron2: yes
(15:45:11) cron2: and yes, "in release/2.5 after 2.5.4"
(15:45:33) mattock: yep, let's wait "some weeks" and then consider 2.5.5
(15:47:02) cron2: another quick note about the hackathon
(15:47:19) cron2: I see that we're quite many people, and half of them I've 
never heard of
(15:47:26) cron2: but they all stay until Sunday
(15:47:43) cron2: so, does that mean, lots of corp people that all discovered 
their love for the community side of things and want to contribute more?
(15:47:50) ***dazo looks at the list
(15:47:58) mattock: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/Hackathon2021
(15:48:18) dazo: I recognise all names
(15:48:30) cron2: well, not "lots", but at least a few :- (Kyryl, Frank, Jeff, 
(15:48:31) mattock: you're in the company
(15:48:37) mattock: yep
(15:48:39) dazo: it's a lot of corp folks, indeed
(15:48:48) dazo: we need to expand the community too!
(15:48:58) cron2: right
(15:49:02) mattock: joining on Fri-Sun will require doing community work
(15:49:06) mattock: agreed?
(15:49:10) mattock: :)
(15:49:23) dazo: yeah!
(15:50:01) cron2: yep
(15:50:11) ordex: some are just curious to learn more about the community and 
the open source project
(15:50:13) mattock: so we just have to figure out what those guys can do
(15:50:38) novaflash: oh shit do i have to mop the floor or something
(15:50:41) novaflash: community service
(15:50:55) cron2: to clarify, this is certainly welcome, I just wanted to 
understand what everybody's expectations are :-)
(15:51:17) cron2: *and* I have invited qaware geeks for Friday ("if you are 
using OpenVPN, and want to meet the folks behind, *and* contribute, then please 
(15:51:24) mattock: novaflash: yes, or entertain us by pole dancing
(15:51:36) novaflash: i don't wish to destroy the community
(15:51:37) cron2: novaflash could bake stroopwaafels
(15:51:42) mattock: +1
(15:51:43) novaflash: i'll bring stroopwafels
(15:52:02) cron2: :-)
(15:52:56) dazo: so far 14 folks are coming ... so that's within the 
limitations at least.  And a good group size
(15:53:27) d12fk: ah those... lekker
(15:53:29) cron2: yes, our limit is 20(-ish), so this is a good size
(15:53:51) mattock: I need to leave in 2 mins
(15:53:56) mattock: anything else on the plate?
(15:53:58) cron2: if only 5 people show up, it's a bit of a silly signal 
towards qaware "look, this is the community, all 5 of us!" :-)
(15:54:17) novaflash: i will just pretend to be community member, to fill out 
the ranks
(15:54:28) mattock: well you are at least talking on IRC
(15:54:31) dazo: In stead it is "we're 14!  3 of them are from the community" 
(15:54:32) novaflash: "and what do you do in the community?" pole dancing and 
stroopwafels and mopping the floor
(15:54:33) mattock: so that qualifies you
(15:54:40) d12fk: novaflash: jubelperser
(15:54:43) MaxF: I'm also coming, can/should I just edit myself into the table?
(15:54:59) cron2: MaxF: yes, please.
(15:55:00) mattock: MaxF: of course, along with the T-shirt size
(15:55:10) mattock: voting for design is no longer possible :)
(15:55:29) dazo: unless he votes for top left! :-P
(15:55:34) mattock: that is allowed
(15:55:35) mattock: :)
(15:55:57) mattock: ok, I have to leave, will send the summary after I come 
back (~20 minutes)
(15:56:03) ***cron2 waves
(15:56:15) cron2: I have to leave as well, next call starts in 4 minutes... and 
my coffee is empty
(15:56:20) novaflash: that's the signal for me to leave as well i guess. got a 
meeting in 4 minutes.
(15:56:26) cron2: busy folks
(15:56:26) plaisthos: dazo: the one man one vote one option approach? :)
(15:57:01) dazo: you make it sound so bad, plaisthos ..... :-P
(15:57:03) novaflash ha abbandonato la stanza (quit: Quit: gotta go 
(15:58:19) mattock: let's all leave
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