
Here's the summary of the IRC meeting.



Place: #openvpn-meeting on libera.chat
Date: Wed 31st August 2022
Time: 10:30 CEST (9:30 UTC)

Planned meeting topics for this meeting were here:


Your local meeting time is easy to check from services such as



d12fk, dazo, lev, mattock, MaxF, novaflash, ordex and plaisthos participated in this meeting.


The dco-win support has been merged to master and latest snapshot MSIs can be used to try it out:



Noted that there is some ongoing discussion on the Linux kernel mailing list about the ovpn-dco userspace API. If that discussion takes too long, we may have to postpone the 2.6-RC1 release so that

- 2.6.0 will still be "the DCO release"
- we don't have to make (major) feature changes in the middle of the RC cycle


Noted that the hackthon date is set to "the weekend of November 25".


Full chatlog attached
(11:30:47) lev__: guten tag
(11:31:11) MaxF: moin!
(11:35:15) novaflash: goedemorgen
(11:35:15) mattock: hi
(11:36:35) plaisthos: moin moin
(11:36:45) novaflash: good meeting.
(11:36:53) dazo: *yawn*
(11:38:20) d12fk: moin
(11:39:44) d12fk: silence
(11:41:09) lev__: I think ordex and cron2__ are on vacation
(11:41:59) mattock: just got out from a meeting
(11:42:18) mattock: can we discuss anything now that our benevolent project 
lead is gone?
(11:42:20) lev__: dco-win support has been merged to master and latest snapshot 
MSIs https://build.openvpn.net/downloads/snapshots/github-actions/openvpn2/ can 
be used to try it out
(11:42:21) vpnHelper: Title: Index of 
/downloads/snapshots/github-actions/openvpn2/ (at build.openvpn.net)
(11:43:09) lev__: there is a patch for persist-tun support waiting for review, 
otherwise I think it is ready for 2.6 RC
(11:43:35) dazo: We have a code freeze appearing in about 2 weeks .... so lets 
focus on 2.6
(11:43:48) dazo: Is 
https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/StatusOfOpenvpn26  up to date?
(11:45:04) dazo: "update auth-user-pass docs"  .... what is _really_ happening 
with this one?
(11:45:42) dazo: lev__: got a patchwork link?
(11:45:58) lev__: 
(11:45:59) vpnHelper: Title: [Openvpn-devel,v2] dco-win: support for 
--persist-tun - Patchwork (at patchwork.openvpn.net)
(11:46:09) ***ordex waves
(11:46:23) dazo: hey, ordex!
(11:46:30) lev__: bongiorno!
(11:46:34) ordex: something I wanted to mention: there is some ongoing 
discussion on the kernel ml about the ovpn-dco userspace API
(11:46:46) ordex: [kid is sleeping so I have some minutes :D]
(11:47:01) ordex: the API *may* change to reflect any upcoming decision
(11:47:18) ordex: at the same time it won't be nice to break existing userspace 
tools, expecially openvpn2
(11:47:33) ordex: this said, the changes may still require some time, like till 
end of october
(11:47:40) ordex: how do we feel about this? :D
(11:47:50) dazo: ordex: what kind of changes is this?
(11:47:55) plaisthos: let's aim for a rc first 
(11:48:08) ordex: for example: how to create the new interface: rtnl vs genl
(11:48:23) ordex: or how to separate API enum attributes 
(11:48:32) plaisthos: got a link to the discussion?
(11:48:33) ordex: (which will trigger a attributes renumbering)
(11:48:41) ordex: plaisthos: nope, can fish it
(11:48:41) dazo: ordex: I'm not too concerned. But it might be we either want 
to extend todays implementation with a "API version" check from user-space; if 
that does not exists we presume it's the new one ... or vice versa
(11:48:58) ordex: but it is just a question somebody is rising and some points 
make sense, so things *may* change
(11:49:14) dazo: But that depends if we're able to manage OpenVPN 2.6 code 
freeze mid-september
(11:49:33) ordex: the problem with the version is that old openvpn won't be 
able to talk to the new ovpn-dco in any case
(11:50:08) ordex: but like plaisthos said, we should possibly aim at the RC in 
any case and maybe apply any of these changes before the release?
(11:50:19) ordex: that'd be the best case, imho
(11:50:27) dazo: yeah, that makes sense .... RC is still not a full release
(11:51:23) ordex: maybe we could also remove the --enable-dco knob from 
configure until the API is decided and reactivate it in some 2.6.x ? (as 
extreme case)
(11:51:47) dazo: --enable-experimental-dco ;-)
(11:53:00) dazo: I'm not sure .... 2.6 is targeted to be the DCO release.  So 
we need to re-evaluate quite a bit then.
(11:54:23) dazo: It would be quite odd to release a 2.6.0 without DCO support 
when we've talked so much about 2.6 being a DCO release.
(11:58:51) plaisthos: or we have to name the netlink name of the ovpn-dco 
module something different for now
(11:58:54) plaisthos: or the kernel module later
(11:59:00) d12fk: adding features to an RC defeats the point
(11:59:01) plaisthos: like ovpn-dco-preview 
(11:59:31) d12fk: after RC it should only be bugfixes, not API changes
(11:59:42) dazo: d12fk++
(12:00:04) d12fk: if we want something out it should be a beta
(12:00:24) d12fk: with a red disclaimer things will likely change for dco
(12:01:26) d12fk: just a neming nitpick, but important to the outside
(12:01:30) d12fk: *naming
(12:02:05) MaxF ha abbandonato la stanza (quit: Quit: Client closed).
(12:02:46) dazo: yeah, agreed ... and this is also what "the outside" expects
(12:03:02) MaxF [~m...@cust-95-128-91-242.breedbanddelft.nl] è entrato nella 
(12:04:43) mattock2 [~ya...@mobile-access-bcee43-174.dhcp.inet.fi] è entrato 
nella stanza.
(12:12:03) dazo: Okay .... so discussion halted .... we close the meeting now, 
or we complete the 2.6 status?
(12:14:02) MaxF: I think everyone's aware that the date for the hackathon has 
been set?
(12:14:15) MaxF: it's the weekend of November 25
(12:15:25) dazo: yeah, but could be announced somewhere (meeting notes?)
(12:15:30) dazo: s/notes/minutes/
(12:17:23) MaxF: I'll make a page in the community wiki next week
(12:17:31) dazo: perfect!
(12:18:10) d12fk: okay booking time then
(12:18:31) novaflash: is the hackathon going to be in a tropical place this 
(12:18:42) mattock2: ok making a note of the hackthon date
(12:18:46) dazo: Yeah, close to you novaflash!  Delft!
(12:19:19) novaflash: that's on me, i put the bar too low. we had heatwaves 
here recently so that could be considered 'tropical'.
(12:19:33) novaflash: climate change eh
(12:35:32) dazo: 1 hour mark has passed .... meeting concluded, I take it
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