
Here's the summary of the IRC meeting.



Place: #openvpn-meeting on libera.chat
Date: Wed 21st September 2022
Time: 10:30 CEST (9:30 UTC)

Planned meeting topics for this meeting were here:


Your local meeting time is easy to check from services such as



cron2, d12fk, djpig, lev, mattock, MaxF, novaflash, ordex and plaisthos participated in this meeting.


Talked about the hackathon. MaxF said that it is possible to use the meeting room also on Friday during office hours. Some people may arrive on Thursday evening. Novaflash promised take the role of a taxi driver for other people. Agreed to go to the Westcord hotel just like the last time.


Noted that plaisthos is on vacation for two weeks, but he should have some time for OpenVPN 2.


Talked about automated testing. Noted that GitHub Actions has usage limits on the free GitHub tier. Not sure what those limits are exactly.


Talked about OpenVPN 2.6. Lev noted that the dco-win code has been merged and is now the default driver on Windows when possible.


Full chatlog attached
(11:29:08) mattock: hi
(11:29:10) mattock: anyone here?
(11:29:36) cron2__: actually I am :-) - doc sent me home again "we'll call you 
when $kid is ready", so I'm about to leave any minute...
(11:29:51) MaxF: hi!
(11:29:55) MaxF: I'm here!
(11:30:07) mattock: hi!
(11:30:23) plaisthos: I am on vacation and only semi present
(11:30:24) d12fk: hi
(11:30:52) cron2__: ho
(11:31:10) cron2__: plaisthos: how long are you on vaction?
(11:31:16) cron2__: vacation even
(11:31:20) mattock: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/Topics-2022-09-21
(11:32:02) mattock: start from the top? #1 hackathon
(11:32:25) MaxF: yes! You can come on Friday
(11:32:35) d12fk: excellent
(11:33:05) mattock: anything else on hackathon?
(11:33:30) novaflash [~novafl...@185-227-75-241.dsl.cambrium.nl] è entrato 
nella stanza.
(11:33:38) novaflash: Boop?
(11:33:54) cron2__: MaxF: that is very nice :-) - so "Friday whenever planes 
land" (and/or night train)?
(11:34:24) MaxF: uh no, I can't let you in after office hours
(11:34:33) cron2__: "daytime"
(11:34:40) cron2__: of course :)
(11:34:47) cron2__: after office hours, beer
(11:35:08) MaxF: oh, I misread it, I thought you said arriving at night
(11:35:32) novaflash: I also have something else with 4 letters and ee in the 
(11:35:39) cron2__: night train = leaves munich thursday evening, arrives in 
Amsterdam on Friday 9:30-ish, so I could take that one and be in Delft 
(11:35:58) plaisthos: cron2__: 2 weeks but probably have some time for openvpn 2
(11:36:05) cron2__: novaflash: beef! most welcome :-)
(11:36:13) djpig: moin
(11:36:49) cron2__: plaisthos: mmmh, ok.  Your patchsets are the ones that need 
resending, testing, questioning, and merging... and ordex' dco p2p could use 
some looking at
(11:37:18) novaflash: Yes... beef
(11:37:53) cron2__: ;)
(11:38:33) novaflash: Sorry I wasn't in the meeting last week. The forum topic 
was hot then. But I had some health issues.
(11:41:05) novaflash: So hackathon. I'll be in Delft on Friday. So can I meet 
up with you guys then at fox it? Not sure if you already just asked that.
(11:41:47) d12fk: Yes MaxF said Friday we can get the room as well
(11:41:52) cron2__: this is how I understood MaxF, "we can arrive on Friday"
(11:41:59) novaflash: Cool
(11:42:13) cron2__: yep
(11:42:25) novaflash: I have my car with me then so I can be taxi for arriving 
peeps if that's wanted
(11:43:57) d12fk: when will you arrive in Delft?
(11:44:20) d12fk: i.e. what time
(11:44:27) djpig: I will probably arrive on Thursday evening, then. Although it 
would also be an option to only go to Amsterdam Thursday and then go to Delft 
on Friday. Amsterdam might be more interesting on a  Thursday evening...
(11:45:13) novaflash: Well I could be there early if there's people to meet up 
with. 10am for example or even earlier. But if I'll be the unholy one there at 
10am that could be boring.
(11:45:25) novaflash: Only* ...autocorrect
(11:45:36) cron2__: you are always the unholy one
(11:45:43) novaflash: True
(11:45:54) novaflash: Oh someone is down to party on Thursday? Ok cool
(11:46:17) novaflash: I could be there on Thursday so there is party time
(11:46:57) novaflash: A drive from delft to Amsterdam is pretty short even by 
public transport
(11:48:14) lev__: Guten tag
(11:48:24) novaflash: Perkele
(11:49:22) plaisthos: cron~.~.
(11:49:32) plaisthos: argh
(11:49:33) mattock: we all good regarding hackathon scheduling for now?
(11:49:50) plaisthos: cron2__: I can probably go through my patches and resend 
the ones that need resending
(11:49:52) d12fk: have we decided on a hotel?
(11:49:55) cron2__: seems so... now find useful ways to travel there :)
(11:50:03) d12fk: shanghai looks good to me
(11:50:04) cron2__: d12fk: I'd go for the Ikea hotel again
(11:50:07) novaflash: Oh hotel good point
(11:50:16) novaflash: There seems to be a division
(11:50:17) d12fk: the closest one
(11:50:38) novaflash: It is easiest with getting to fox
(11:51:46) novaflash: I guess I'll do Ikea
(11:52:13) cron2__: Ikea = Westcord hotel?  (looking through the hotel list on 
the hackathon page)
(11:52:20) MaxF: yes
(11:52:59) cron2__: maps confirms :-) - so I'll take westcord
(11:53:20) d12fk: oki
(11:53:39) d12fk: there's ajumbo close by
(11:53:57) novaflash: For schnacksch
(11:53:57) d12fk: cola with coffee aroma needs to be tried
(11:54:02) novaflash: Ew
(11:54:18) novaflash: At least pick the marshmallow one
(11:54:34) d12fk: alle.jpeg
(11:54:43) novaflash: Together
(11:54:56) d12fk: worth experimenting
(11:55:15) novaflash: Unholy
(11:55:27) d12fk: marshmellow + cocos = armpit
(11:55:55) mattock: Westcord was an ok hotel
(11:56:37) MaxF: seems a bit pricey for being just ok
(11:56:46) ***cron2__ needs to run to kid's dentist... 
(11:57:05) novaflash: It's only a few nights and it's close
(11:59:16) d12fk: okay then, think we're done with Delft prep
(11:59:22) mattock: gut
(11:59:28) novaflash: Ye
(11:59:34) mattock: #2 automated testing
(11:59:50) mattock: I will have to go to lunch, so I'll follow the discussion 
on my mobile
(12:00:08) d12fk: who's still here to talk about that?
(12:00:22) d12fk: djpig: you?
(12:00:28) novaflash: Not many..
(12:01:09) djpig: I'm here
(12:01:14) mattock2 [~ya...@mobile-access-bcee62-203.dhcp.inet.fi] è entrato 
nella stanza.
(12:02:15) plaisthos: I can probably arrive between 2pm to 10pm depending on 
the trains I take
(12:02:27) L'account è disconnesso e non sei più in questa chat. Sarai 
reinserito in questa chat alla riconnessione dell'account.
(13:24:11) L'argomento di #openvpn-meeting è: 
(13:24:11) L'argomento per #openvpn-meeting è stato impostato da 
cron2__!gert@openvpn/developer/cron2 a 11:08:06 su 21/09/2022
(13:24:11) novaflash: Plaisthos: Thursday sounds like we'll be able to meet up 
and have a bit of a look around before we dive into stuff on Friday
(13:24:11) ***ordex is around!
(13:24:11) ordex: sorry - got entangled in another appointment
(13:24:11) novaflash: Wow
(13:24:11) novaflash: Your other appointments are meaningless compared to the 
glory of openvpn meeting
(13:24:11) plaisthos: can we make notes on the wiki that most people are 
staying in the westcord?
(13:24:11) d12fk: will do
(13:24:11) novaflash: Yes
(13:24:11) plaisthos: my login seems to not be working anymore
(13:24:11) novaflash: I blame mattock
(13:24:11) plaisthos: ah used the wrong one
(13:24:11) novaflash: I still blame mattock because I don't want to look stupid
(13:24:11) MaxF: plaisthos done!
(13:24:11) d12fk: now we have that info three times =)
(13:24:11) plaisthos: :D
(13:24:11) plaisthos: very important!
(13:24:11) plaisthos: are you people leaving on monday or sunday?
(13:24:11) d12fk: nto sure yet, depends on night train
(13:24:11) d12fk: I like the idea to sleep through the trip
(13:24:11) novaflash: I'll probably be leaving on Sunday evening
(13:24:11) djpig: d12fk: From the documentation public repositories have limits 
on GHA usage as long as you only use the default runners. Not sure whether 
those allow us to do testing though. That's why I will look into it
(13:24:11) plaisthos: novaflash: but you only have like a 2-3h trip %)
(13:24:11) novaflash: True
(13:24:11) lev__: about 2.6 - dco-win functionality is fully merged
(13:24:11) djpig: d12fk: don't have limits %)
(13:24:11) novaflash: If people are doing something fun on Sunday evening then 
I can stay the night
(13:24:11) lev__: and it is default driver now
(13:24:11) lev__: (where applicable)
(13:24:11) novaflash: I feel we could go bowling
(13:24:11) d12fk: djpig: is that new? pretty sure there were limits when I 
looked earlier this year
(13:24:11) novaflash: Or axe throwing
(13:24:11) d12fk: ^ that
(13:24:11) d12fk: what could go wrong!?
(13:24:11) novaflash: Congrats lev on full merge of ovpn win dco!
(13:24:11) djpig: d12fk: I didn't find any. It always just says "free for 
public repositories".
(13:24:11) novaflash: https://www.urbanaxethrowing.nl/ axe throwing in Delft
(13:24:11) vpnHelper: Title: Urban Axe Throwing - De hype uit Amerika nu 
eindelijk in Nederland! (at www.urbanaxethrowing.nl)
(13:24:11) djpig: you have some minutes on your free account but AFAICT those 
only apply to private repositories
(13:24:11) djpig: or non-standard runners (like >2 cores)
(13:24:11) d12fk: urban!!!
(13:24:11) d12fk: djpig: okay
(13:24:11) djpig: I assume there are definitely internal limits so they don't 
get abused by crypto-miners and such. But not sure whether those are documented
(13:24:11) djpig: anyway, need to run
(13:24:11) novaflash: Thursday's and Sundays are possible to book for axe 
throwing so that's cool
(13:24:11) plaisthos: prices for first class DB tickets are like 10 eur more 
than 2nd class. For 5 and 6h rides that sounds like a no brainer
(13:24:11) d12fk: exiting as well now *waves*
(13:24:11) ordex: novaflash: of course!
(13:24:11) ***ordex goes through the backlog
(13:24:11) novaflash: Have to go
(13:24:11) cron2__: re
(13:24:11) cron2__: plaisthos: max-pkt-size -> ACK, but do not call it MTU :)
(13:24:11) ordex: woooo FRIDAYYYY
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