On Wed, 2008-07-16 at 21:11 +0200, Jens Nachtigall wrote:
> Interesting, but a bit of a dirty hack for something like cronjobs imho.

No, on the contrary.  Using published interfaces such as the crontab
command to submit cron entries is in fact the "official" method of
adding cron jobs.  Hacking crontab files within cron's management is the
dirty hack.

> I  
> always wondered if there is something like /etc/cron.d/   and   /etc/{hourly|
> daily|monthly} for openwrt? But obviously there is not.

Most of those files are all conveniences on top of the basic cron system
to which you use the crontab (or /etc/crontab in the case of vixie's
implementation -- the historic implementation didn't have the /etc/cron
system-wide file) command to add entries.

The accepted way to add a cron entry for a package is indeed to put it
into it's postinst and have the package install process (building the
base /rom image does in fact use the package install process, so it will
work, IIUC) add the entry through the official API.

That all said, I can't find the cron package in OpenWRT.  Can anyone
point me (in the source tree I mean) to it?


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