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Jason Holt wrote:
> On Fri, 1 Sep 2006, Watson Ladd wrote:
>> I have a good idea for key negotiations (NOTE:UNPUBLISHED). Here it is:
>> Let the server have a public key y=h^x mod p, p=2q+1, h=g^2, and private
>> key x^-1 mod q, or z. (g is a generator).
>> A client will send y^a and remember a.
>> A server will send back h^b and remember b.
>> The client will compute (h^b)^a.
>> The server will compute (y^a)^(bz).
>> We note that:
>> (y^a)^(bz)=h^(ax*bz)=h^(abxz)=h^(ab)=(h^b)^a, as z and x are
>> multiplicative inverses mod q.
>> We further note that this is just Diffie-Hellman if we replace y with
>> h^z,  a with a*x, and z with 1, b with b. So this is secure if DDH holds.
>> I am not a cryptographer, so will someone please check this method. I
>> have not found it anywhere.
> Why would we use this instead of plain-vanilla Diffie-Hellman?
>                         -J
To authenticate the server to the client. I want to dispense with RSA as
we are putting a critical egg into two baskets at once. Also, we can
migrate to exotic DDH assumption groups if a breakthrough happens. Like
GF(p^n), n>1, or elliptic curves.

- --
They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security,
 deserve neither liberty or security
- --Benjamin Franklin
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