Claude LaFrenière <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi  *Fabian Keil*   :
> > Just in case you wondered whether Tor and Gmail are a good
> > combination: They are not.
> Just one remark Sir.
> This site is accessible by anybody in clear :
> which reveal these informations:
> DE *zwiebelkuchen
> DE *zwiebelsuppe  
> So it's easy to find
> and finally:
> You leave your email address in clear (in text) in your web site.
> This reveal your ID and this is the best way to be spamed... No?

I don't intend to post anonymously on this list and
I'm well aware that my website contains information
about where I live and how anyone interested can
reach me. That's intentionally as well.

I use Tor to surf the web anonymously, but if I say
something in public I usually use my real name. For
the topics I'm interested in, that's currently not
a problem in Germany.

I still use encryption for privacy-sensitive information
and if you run a Tor exit node, you will not be able to
alter my mails without getting noticed.

> Did using Gmail + Tor + Thunderbird + Pgp/GnuPG 
> and access  Gmail with SSL/TLS connexion is not a better solution ?

Personally I think using Gmail is never a solution.
You are right though: if you are using a real mail client
with real encryption, you shouldn't have a problem with
man in the middle issues.


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